One of the most popular sneakers among males and females are Converses. You can't go one day without seeing someone sport a pair of Converse sneakers. The ever popular Chuck Taylor sneakers are worn by many people who believe in their style. Even various other companies make their own knockoff versions of Chuck Taylors. Their popularity remains strong today.
This blog entry is actually a two-part blog entry highlighting on Converse in fashion. This blog entry pertains to the Converses we know and love- those sneakers.
A new section devoted to Converse sneakers across the blogosphere has been added. Thanks to everyone whom have found (and hopefully enjoyed) this blog post!LATEST UPDATE:
OCT 15 2011 - multiple edits made, added
--- Hey Now, You're an All-Star! ---
The All-Star sneaker has been in existence since 1917, but hasn't grown in popularity until the 1950s. Fast forward to today, and you see lots of people sporting Converse All-Star sneakers. I personally don't really like Converses, but there are MANY more who do. And so, to accommodate Converse lovers, let me start off with some pictures of the iconic sneakers:^ - Converse All-Stars. The foreground includes a Converse All-Star low-top sneaker while the background includes a Converse high-top sneaker.
^ from: - Jazon Mraz sporting a pair of Converse sneakers at the 2009 Grammy Awards.
^ from: - various ladies wearing Converses.
^ from: - Some princesses would rather wear pink Converses than a dressy pair of pumps.
^ from: - Don't like lace-up Converses? These skimmers are for you!
^ from: - Demi Lovato wearing a lovely formal dress with... Converse sneakers? This reminds me of her video, "La La Land," where one of the lyrics talked about her wearing a fancy dress with Converses. It's fashion fail to me to see a fancy dress worn with Converses, but credit Demi for originality.
^ from: - Selena Gomez in Converses. I can NOT mention Demi Lovato without mentioning her best friend, Selena Gomez. :)
--- What To Wear Converses With? ---
So in essence, Converses are worn by many people with many garments. I have mentioned that I am not really a Converse fan. I'm not likely to get any soon, if ever. I am just not into Converses as much as a lot of other people. Converses often get dressed up and even in various other ways. Some even tie in other kinds of shoelaces with them.Converses are basically and exclusively for casual wear. So shame on you trying to wear these with formal outfits! I think I see them commonly worn with jeans and sometimes with denim skirts. So even though I said you shouldn't wear these with anything that isn't casual, many people find ANYTHING to wear Converses with anything. Almost as if Converses are the flip-flops or sheepskin boots of sneakers.
--- Converses Around the Blogosphere ---
These are people who are wearing their Converses in their pictures. Also, they consist of bloggers around the blogosphere. I will offer headings followed by links to the specific blog posts I've selected. The only criteria is that the bloggers themselves are wearing Converses or Converse-like shoes. Feel free to follow any blogs you deem interesting if you enjoy their work. One other thing to note... there may not be actual fashion blogs featuring these shoes, but I am featuring them anyways just because someone is wearing Converses.Converse Inspiration: Glamour Bbey.
One would think that someone who dresses fabulously in her pictures wouldn't possibly sport a pair of Converse kicks. Well, Cindy Van Dyck of Glamour Bbey sports a pair of Converses in some of her pictures in "Paris: Walking Down the Streets in my Red Pants." on Glamour Bbey.Converse Inspiration: Angy's Tea Room.
Angelika is princess material sporting a lovely long skirt with some Converse high-tops. The Italian fashionista is so full of life wearing a T-shirt, an American Apparel long skirt, and a dark blue pair of Converse All-Star high-top sneakers. "The Girl Full of Life" on Angy's tea room demonstrates her Converse chic.Converse Inspiration: Burst of Color.
This energetic youngster went with a cute look topped off by a pair of Converse One Star sneakers. She shares with you a cute look with a jacket, a top, and a frilly skirt. The Converses complete the look. "quelle belle jupe!" on Burst of Color (: is where you can see this look.Converse Inspiration: tiny sailor.
Niki wears a pair of Converses in an old blog post called "blurry. everything is." on tiny sailor. Her Converse chic, however, is anything but blurry as she sports a pair of Converse low-tops along with a long T-shirt and bike shorts.Converse Inspiration: spoken love song.
Luu has posted multiple blog posts of her wearing Converse sneakers. This fashionable Asian from Norway has one simple and casual look that I want to feature. It's casual with a somewhat chic touch. Check out "black and lace" on spoken love song to see a very simple look topped off with Converses.Converse Inspiration: Ericaritish.
Though Ericaritish is not a fashion blog, the beautiful young aspiring author/writer wears a pair of Converses as part of a fun event. Joana Erica Danielle showcases a pair of Converses along with a cute costume for the show. A crisp white blouse is paired with a cute skirt, a 101 Dalmatians tie, knee-high socks, and a pair of Converse sneakers. Two different Converses are worn in the post I am to feature for this post. Check out the look with Converses in "Filled with glee: The musical!" on Ericaritish.There are some of the ladies who wear their Converses proudly.
Most of you know that I'm trying to push all of the Amazon links I've posted to my secondary blog, John's Shop Space. The reason is because I want to make Amazon material specific to a shopping-exclusive blog. It's so that more people who actually want to shop for things that I post can all be found in a shopping-exclusive blog. The graphic below this paragraph links you to my secondary blog, but its link will be updated to include specific content from this blog. I will update this section to direct you to more items on Amazon for you Converse fans. For now, you have two options: visit my secondary blog...

...or if you want to do a little shopping for Converses, I have included two items for you all. Here are a few items to spur your interest in the meanwhile (read "An Important Amazon Note" in the sidebar for all Amazon items).
• Converse Chuck Taylor low-tops for men and women. Only in black.
• Converse Chuck Taylor high-tops for men and women. Only in black.
• Converse Chuck Taylor slip-on sneakers. Men's and Women's sizes available.
• Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star X-High sneaker boots, only in red.
• Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star XX-High sneaker boots. They come in either white or black with a zipper on the back for easy entry. Available for men and women.
• Converse Chuck Taylor low-top sneakers for boys and girls. Only in charcoal/white.
• Converse Chuck Taylor high-top sneakers for Toddlers; only in black.
• Converse Chuck Taylor low-top sneakers for Toddlers; only in black.
• Converse Chuck Taylor low-top slip-on sneakers. Multiple colors and sizes, available for sizes ranging from Toddlers to kids.
Happy shopping (if doing any)! :)
You know you are not done with Converse! So for more Converse loving, feel free to check out these links:
• Converse official page
• Converse Facebook Fan Page
• Converse on YouTube
• Follow Converse on Twitter!
• Converse on Amazon (not just the sneakers)
This concludes Part 1 of 2 of this look at Converse for this blog entry. If you would like to read Part 2 of this Converse series, please read "Converse (Part 2 of 2) - The Other Side of Converse" here on John's Blog Space. here on John's Blog Space. Thank you for reading!
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