Friday, October 30, 2009

A Fashion Confession

I've come to a realization. When it comes to talking fashion among a fashion community, I've felt like I've no longer feel welcomed or belong in any fashion community. For at least four years, I've been part of an online community focused on fashion. I thought I knew everything (or as much as I could) on fashion to feel like I belong. But... I was kidding myself when I've tried to fit in. I do have an eye for fashion, but never felt truly liked.

Yes, I've had a vicious dislike on a number of looks. The least of which include:
* pepe-toe boots
* skulls (I just don't wear or like skulls)
* the '80s in general (including fashion)
* jeans tucked into boots (as a look, not as anything functional)
* leggings (don't hate them, just burned out on them)

As is the case for most things I try to prove my worth in, people have consistently disagreed with me. Any environment where I don't feel welcomed or respected are environments I want to stay away from. I feel absolutely terrible at one point to where I have to break away from this community. My likes in fashion have been much different from most others. But to be perfectly honest... I like fashion, and I'm different in my likes. However, I'm TOO different to most people to where I'm disliked and unpopular. Just because I don't like peep-toe boots or gladiator sandals while most of the rest of the world does doesn't mean I'm not qualified to talk fashion. I've had problems in which I disliked seeing Arctic boots tucked into jeans when it's not even bitterly cold. But when I complain of this, I get hated on. Like I HAVE to agree with everyone, or I'll pay the consequences. Mostly in the form of getting lynched on. I still try to do my best, but I can't keep a straight face even if my life depended on it. So I feel like I've overstayed my welcome and become demoralized to absolutely nothing... a feeling I'm so used to in my life.

So I will try to stay away from any serious fashion discussions. I am not qualified to talk fashion anymore. Don't ask me about how to wear something or what the "hottest" trend or style is. I don't want to stay away from this too long, though. What I may start doing is showing like or dislike of certain looks. I won't be doing any more (or not frequently doing) fashion-themed videos. At least when I do and say things, the only restriction I have is myself. So I'm almost doing everything with reckless abandon. But I'm not a tough guy. I don't make a living bullying on people. I certainly don't make a living trolling people.

That concludes this post. Now you know how I feel on this deal.

A Quick Disclaimer
I'm now adding links to items on Amazon that I like for items I discuss. As an Amazon Associate, I earn commission based on products I feature or mention in my blog. You are more than welcome to check out all that I have to discuss in all of my blog entries.

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