Friday, July 30, 2010

Hot Car Deaths

A hot day, sitting in a car for a long time, and neglect/disregard often leads to... hot car deaths. What depresses me the most about these incidents is the apparent neglect most parents have regarding leaving people in hot cars for a long time. The majority of these cases involve children or babies in hot cars for several hours. It gets pretty hot here in Houston during the warm weather seasons and months. It's already hot outside. Despite this, think of how hot it gets inside a car. Temperatures inside a parked car makes the inside feel like being in an oven. I am most disappointed about how some people tend to forget they have babies or children around for hours on end. I am not sure how to limit these deaths, but I think if you know you are going to be in a place for a long time on a warm/hot day, bring your children/babies with you. If a place in question is some adult-oriented place (like a liquor store, a smoking store, or any sexually-oriented business), it's probably best not to bring your baby/child to these places parked in a car.

^ from: - the aftermath of leaving a baby or a child in a hot car on a hot day for a long time can lead to tragedies like this.

These things just depress me. With highs expected to be at 100° F for Saturday and Sunday (as of the date of this blog post), I can only hope that parents are responsible enough to keep their babies and children safe from the heat. Again- these things just depress me. Is it that some people aren't mindful enough that they brought their chilren and left them in a hot car for a very long time, or is it that some people think babies and children can withstand being out in the heat for a very long time? Whatever the case, I'm always disappointed hearing stories like this.

My advice- be responsible, be mindful, and be smart. If you have babies or children with you on a hot day, don't leave them to be baked by the sun in a car for a long time. Maybe allow yourself ten minutes or so to check on your children. Remember- as hot as it can be outside, it can be even hotter inside a parked car. So be mindful of your children if they are in a hot car.

Thank you for reading. Please take care and have an amazing day!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Boat/Deck Shoes

(UPDATED: February 19, 2012)

Boat shoes have become an alternative to ballet flats or canvas sneakers. Unlike the aforementioned ballet flats, boat shoes can be unisex. Preppy style will always be a mainstay in fashion. If you are one of those who believe in preppy style, this is a shoe trend you can appreciate. These boat shoes mostly favor those who love casual fashion or dressy casual fashion. They are a total mismatch with any really formal fashions or any ultra-feminine, ultra-chic fashions. Instead, they favor the casual dresser who has an eye for preppy style. This blog entry is my blog entry regarding these shoes that have become popular since last year.


FEB 19 2012 - made a few edits

NOTE: Boat shoes are also called deck shoes. For this blog entry, I will refer to these as boat shoes.

NOTE: This blog entry contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

--- Boat Shoes at a Glance ---

Whether you love or loathe boat shoes, this is more an alternative to those who don't want to wear oxfords or any Converse-esque sneakers. A lot of people see these lace-ups as geeky or nerdy. However, at least this is different from the same old rock-oriented fashions and '80s fashions lots of people are nowadays accustomed to. Boat shoes demonstrate casual and dressy casual. This look was meant for both casual types as well as preppy folk.

In case you wonder what the top maker of boat shoes is, Sperry Top-Sider is the top make for boat shoes. Sperry Top-Sider's Boat Shoes (Amazon search) are very popular boat shoes. So you can think of Sperry Top-Sider to boat shoes as UGG Australia to sheepskin boots or Old Navy (or Havianas) to flip-flops.

What to Wear With Boat/Deck Shoes: Females (Girls, Juniors, and Women)?

I've become a bit more acceptable of boat shoes in recent times. A look I've started to like is the feminine look of short-shorts and boat shoes. I've seen a teenage or college-age girl wear these blue denim short-shorts along with a pair of light brown boat shoes. I've also seen these white flap-pocket short shorts paired with navy blue and white boat shoes. One last combo to look at is wearing tan or beige shorts with light brown boat shoes. If you fancy capris more, a friend of mine wore light brown boat shoes with some cuffed blue denim cropped jeans. Skirts and skorts are just fine to me with these boat shoes. They are fine as long as they are above-the-knee skirts. I'd avoid any flirty skirts with these because it's all about preppy style and semi-modest fashion. Try a denim blue skirt that goes down to about mid-thigh or just above the knees, and pair with some light brown or dark brown boat shoes. I would totally avoid dresses, though. While it may look strange, palazzo pants or gaucho pants with boat shoes aren't too bad to pair them with.

What to Wear With Boat/Deck Shoes: Males (Boys, Young Men, Men)?

What about you guys out there? You could probably wear some boat shoes with cargo shorts or some chino pants. I would probably wear a comfortable polo shirt if wearing chino pants with boat shoes. Got to show some casual dressy style, guys!

--- Criticisms of Boat/Deck Shoes ---

The primary cricism about boat shoes is that they are geeky. I think for most people, if given a choice between boat shoes and crocs clogs, a good majority would go with boat shoes. This is really different from all the rock fashions and '80s fashions.

--- Boat Shoes in Pictures ---

It's time to take a look at boat shoes in pictures. Here are some boat shoes based on pictures I've found across the Internet:

Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes
^ from: - boat shoes at their most basic.

two-tone boat shoes
^ from: - a pair of two-tone boat shoes.

wedge boat shoes
^ from: - boat shoes, especially for females, can take on the form of a pair of loafers or some skimmers. The above is a pair of wedge boat shoes. This gives a cute touch to boat shoes.

patterned boat shoes
^ from: - rather than single-color or two-tone boat shoes, they may also be patterened or in plaid.

female wearing boat shoes
^ from: - a girl wearing dark brown boat shoes with a green top and a blue mini skirt.

male wearing boat shoes
^ from: - a man wearing a white button-down shirt, light lavender shorts, and taupe boat shoes.

So, as you can see, there are many ways to wear boat shoes and wear boat shoes with. Just remember casual and dressy casual only. Don't try to take these to formal occasions or anything.

--- What to Wear With Boat Shoes? ---

For females, there are a number of looks that I've seen boat shoes being worn. I think wearing short-shorts with boat shoes is a cute look. I would prefer a pair of non-denim short shorts (maybe linen or twill) to with boat shoes. If you prefer denim shorts, some non-blue denim short shorts would be nice. What also I have seen are cropped pants and cropped jeans worn with boat shoes. Casually, a pair of twill pants or some kind of linen pants work well as bottoms. I don't think boat shoes go well at all with dresses and skirts, so I'd avoid them when going with boat shoes. So my dream look for females with boat shoes: polo shirt + short shorts + boat shoes.

Males just have to go preppy cool. Not much is needed to look great in a pair of boat shoes.

Boat shoes are very unisex, so they are stylish for both males and females. How you style them is up to you.

Please use this widget below to shop for boat/deck shoes on Amazon, if you wish to buy boat shoes online. No information from me will be given about each item, so make sure to use this blog entry to at least get a head start in shopping for boat shoes.

TRY THIS: This widget is set for boat shoes in the Search box. You may want to add different words to look for more specific boat shoes that may interest you. For example... you may change the text to "girls boat shoes," "Sperry boat shoes," "boat shoes size 9," or something like that to help make your search easier.

My blog post on Boat/Deck Shoes on John's Shop Space can now be accessed! Click on the link in this sentence to visit my John's Shop Space post on Boat/Deck Shoes!

By the way, thank you for reading! You may also read "Preppy Fashion" on John's Blog Space for a look at preppy fashion, which makes a mention to boat/deck shoes.

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Rise to Relevance

Thanks to all of you for making my blog relevant! For this past week (according to MyBlogLog), my blog has gotten over 500 views daily for just over a week. It wasn't until this past Monday that my blog has gotten over 600 daily views. Just yesterday, I learned that my blog has finally crossed the 500 daily reader mark with 512 readers. I have all of you to thank for this. I just post blog entries. I just find pictures online to help identify my blog's entries. I input a lot of my own commentary into things, and sometimes even quoting from other sources. So where do YOU come in? Well... you read my blog entries, you probably share my blog entries with others, you click on items to enhance the experience I try to describe to you. People, YOU help make my blog relevant. For some reason unbeknownst to me, you somehow find my blog and interact with it in a way that helps me to know my work means something. You become respectful of my work that I can only feel humbled and respected. Whatever your reasons or whatever you expect out of my blog, I am thankful you've found my blog and found something to love about my content. You help me to become relevant.

I won't lie- I am a 27-year old guy with only an Associate's in the Arts, absolutely no idea what I want to get a Bachelor's in, yet have a love of making online videos and blogging. My room also serves as my office and my studio. Thanks to you, you've helped me to realize that my work means something. I thank you for making my blogs relevant.

No matter what your field of study is, the one thing you want to achieve (besides success) is relevance. Here is the difference between relevance and success- relevance leads to success. You can not have one without the other. I commonly learn of cities and nations which visit my blog. I sometimes look at FEEDJIT Live Traffic Feeds of certain other blogs here on Blogspot. I sometimes fear that my blog isn't usually as successful as it could be. I see blogs that get more FEEDJIT traffic more often than mine. All I know is, I am someone who does not specialize in one specific topic. And because of this, I've gotten a lot of views, especially recently. Getting 200 or 300 daily views used to be commonplace. I used to be fortunate to get up to 100 daily views. Nowadays, anything north of 300 daily blog views is commonplace. Well for the past week and change, my blog has over 500 views each day. Monday and Tuesday of this week have yielded 600+ daily blog views.

--- A Story About Blog Traffic: Who Do You Trust? ---
Here is something to note about traffic to your blog. I usually rely on MyBlogLog to tell me who all is visiting my blog and what traffic I am getting on it. Other sources give other stats about your blog. Let me demonstrate for you:

(demonstration: my blog stats for July 27, 2010)
MyBlogLog: 27 offsite clicks, 687 page views, 512 readers
Site Meter: 617 visits and 828 page views
Blogspot Stats (between JUL 27 2010 at 3:00 AM and JUL 28 2010 at 2:00 AM): 605 page views

So who do you trust? Because I like the reporting that MyBlogLog gives me (I'm using the free version), I like the MyBlogLog report the most.

--- A Special Request From Me to You... ---
As much as I am proud that my blog is becoming more and more relevant and active, I want you to help me. I have a blogging friend named Warren is trying to make his own blog (also here on Blogspot) relevant. He's come across my blog looking for advice as to how to get his own blog more traffic and make it more profitable. PLEASE... if you love "John's Blog Space" and/or "John's Shop Space," please do me a favor and visit/subscribe/interact with "24K Forever!!!!", his blog.

The reason why I am even mentioning him is because he is a friend of mine in blogging and really needs some more support from the whole of the Internet. So please, if you are a fan of my blog, please do me a favor and visit his blog. I want his blog to prosper and become more relevant as I have worked to do for a year and a half with my blog. I just want his blog to get traffic and profit because he's been so supportive of my work. When there's someone who looks up to you as a friend and for support, the one thing you want to do to show your support in return is to help a friend any way you can. So if you have time, visit and interact with "24K Forever!!!!" for me, please. Thank you. I don't want my blog to get popular while a friend sees his/her blog prosper slowly (or even be stagnant). So please help out my friend with traffic.

Having said all of this, I'll be making more blog entries about ANYTHING at ANY given time. Random topics, but NEVER randomness! Thanks for your continued support! You all are the brightest stars in my space. Thank you for everything! :-)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Motorsports Style - The Panoz LMP-1 Roadster

Panoz took their front/RWD drivetrain to unfamiliar territory when they made perhaps the only front-engined LMP... EVER. This was the only car that took the fight to the Audi R8 LMPs if not consistently, then regularly. This car is one of my all-time favorite race cars. Unfortunately for it, though, it has never won Le Mans. A car this exotic with a good old American V8 powered this beautiful beast. This blog entry shares my ideas on its looks.

--- Motorsports Style: The Panoz LMP-1 Roadster ---
Here is the car back in 2000:

Its unusual front/RWD drivetrain made this car especially unique. Sportscar racing machines are usually known as being purely exotic. You'd be hard-pressed to find a front-engined LMP besides this one. It was a different idea from one of the most (in my view) underrated exotic car makers in the world.

When you look at it from the front, you tend to sense DNA characteristics of the Panoz Esperante GTR-1. It boasts a bold set of headlights just like the powerful and flamboyant Esperante GTR-1. Its front just screams aggression. It is in no way a coward. From the sides, it is literally a sexy dame. It has the right amount of sexy and sweet with its luscious curves. The car manages to take a form similar to its Esperante GTR-1 brotheren while also carrying a profile similar to almost any average LMP. For the most part, most LMPs of the late 1990s and early 2000s had the single roll hoop similar to single-seater formula cars. These LMPs were mostly two-seat formula cars with lights and (obviously) fenders. This one was no different. The cars just look strange now with the double roll hoop arrangement. Equally imposing in its design is the appearnce of the rear wing arrangement is in comparison with the rest of the car. The rear of the Panoz LMP Roadster is merely modest in design, but lovely.

(information below courtesy of
Perhaps my favorite Panoz LMP Roadster was the TV Asahi Team Dragon cars that raced Le Mans in 2000. This Japanese team consisted of two cars- the #22 Panoz LMP-1 Roadster. The #22 Cup Noodle car was run with the team of Keiichi Tsuchiya, Masahiko Kondou, and Akira Iida. The #23 Cup Noodle car featured the team of Toshio Suzuki, Masahiko Kageyama, and Masami Kageyama. The #22 car finished 8th (38 laps down), and the #23 car finished 6th (28 laps down). The car's paintscheme was white with black and gold accents. It was a beautifully-liveried car.

We may never see another front-engined LMP, but it was certainly interesting to see Panoz Motorsport try this. I would love to see Panoz return to the LMP ranks with another stellar LMP. Either that, or just love to see Panoz get back into the GT ranks. Thank you for reading my blog entry on this beautiful race car.

Women in Motorsport

UPDATED: January 4, 2011

What boys can do, girls can do too... including racing! A lot of people mostly see motorsports as a male-dominated sport. It is often times refreshing to see female racers compete along with and against the boys. This blog entry concerns some of my favorite female personalities in racing both past and present. In addition, there are a few ladies I want to make honorable mention to. So get ready for yet another blog entry from me!

PERSONAL NOTE BEFORE I BEGIN: Thank all of you for visiting my blog. The past few days have yielded over 500 daily blog views for the past five or six successive days (as of the date of this blog post, and all according to MyBlogLog).

--- No Respect for the Ladies? ---

One thing I hate is when someone doesn't want to regard the existence of female drivers. In a mostly male-dominated sport like almost any form of motorsport, there are those who just think of female racers as camera fodder. There are those who like to say that women can't drive. A lot of female racers may probably note they'd rather be respected as racers rather than female or woman racer.

There are just some who don't give female racers a chance. Don't want to be fans with some of them, basically leaving them to the side where the real heavyweights of a racing series get all the fame and fans. Talent is talent. Here's a problem I have. Many of my own guys love seeing grid girls, hot racing groupies, and stuff like that. Ask most guys if they think a female racer can compete against many of the best racers in a series, and many of them will agree... to an extent. Some think that female racers CAN contend, but may NEVER beat the best racers in a series.

So as much as most would love to see a female racer contend with some of the big name male racers, very few actually cheer on and wish a female racer actually take down the best in the series. Some guys may not even think a female racer can win a race or finish strong enough to contend with the big boys. Some guys are even chauvinistic pigs that dislike the notion of a female racer beating the boys at their own game. I can appreciate talent more than most people who quickly hate on females in racing. Talent is talent regardless of gender. It's just too bad there are those that just don't give some or most female racers a fighting chance to win or finish high. If you love racing, regardless of who your favorite racers are, you support the hell out of that driver through good and bad.

--- More Opportunities for Females in Motorsport? ---

These days, I am more than pleased so many female racers are racing. I am not trying to be sexist or anything in saying that more females in a mostly male-dominant sport like any motorsport. I sometimes don't know why there are more females in racing. I think if you know how to drive a race car or are very fit to do competitive racing, nothing should hold you back in wanting to go racing. Or maybe it is just that not as many females are into racing as us males.

One of the most notable deals to me was the Women's Global GT Series. This former series featured the Panoz GT-RA piloted only by females. One of the many included American Cindi Lux and Venezuelan Milka Duno. This series featured female drivers between 1998 and 1999. Since 2000, and since being open to male drivers, it was since known as the Panoz Pro Series.

--- Females in Motorsport Notes ---

This is a basic digest of females in motorsport. This may be edited regularly to include certain interesting topics in regards to females in motorsport.

Earlier this year, an all-Swiss female team raced the #61 Matech Ford GT at the 2010 24 Hours of Le Mans. The team for this car included Natacha Gachnang, Cyndie Allemann, and Rahel Frey. All three of these ladies were born in 1986. All three of these ladies were born in 1986. Their entry unfortunately did not finish as the car caught fire heading into the first chicane down the Hunaudieres (or Mulsanne Straight). Tough break for one of the better GT teams anywhere in the world at the 2010 24 Hours of Le Mans.

• (added: November 13, 2010)
On October 23, 2010; a new record was set as the field of 36 NASCAR Trucks at Martinsville showcased the most female racers to qualify for the Kroger 200. Four women qualified for the Kroger 200. Here are the four ladies that qualified and competed in this race. Click on their names to visit their websites or fan page (if available): Jennifer Jo Cobb, Johanna Long, and twin sisters Angela Cope and Amber Cope all competed in that race.

• (added: July 19, 2011)
By reading through the latest edition of Teen Vogue magazine, I read about a young racer named Shannon McIntosh. More about her will be explained later in this blog post.

If I come across any other items, I'll be sure to add them to this blog post.

--- Women in Motorsport: [Some of] Today's Names ---

Here is a look at some notable females in racing today. I'll share some personal commentary on each one. You can visit their official websites (if available) if you see a bold heading with a hyperlink. I have only included female racers that I know of and/or have heard of.

NOTE: If you see the name of a certain racer with a hyperlink attached, that is an official website or page on a certain social networking site (such as Myspace or Facebook) that you can visit. Please click on each one to visit the racer's official homepage (if available).

--- Single-Seater ---

Danica Patrick.

Danica Patrick
^ from: - Danica Patrick. While an older picture, her passion to win (evidence in her eyes) remains to this day in all of her racing since stepping up to the IndyCar Series from the Atlantics.

You may remember I made mention to Danica Patrick in my "Sweet Petite!" blog entry. On a historic weekend whereas the final-ever Champ Car World Series race was held, Danica Patrick won her first (and so far, only) race at Twin Ring Motegi Superspeedway. The celebration was very funny. Danica, who stands all of 5'2" and weighs all of about 100 lbs., was given a trophy about a few inches shorter than her! The impact of her win was exceptional. I've never stopped believing in the Beloit, Wisconsin-born Danica Patrick. Even with everyone who found every reason to hate on her, I've ALWAYS believed in and respected Danica Patrick. I remember my heart rate going up seeing Danica either lead or challenge for the lead. When finishing in the Top 5 or in the Top 10, I'm proud for her. Even if failing to finish or finishing in a very low position, I'm still proud of her because she has winning drive and passion. I think an underestimated aspect of Danica Patrick is that she finishes races. This is the very least you can ask for any race car driver. It isn't common to see Danica get into much trouble or get out of races. She has talent for sure. Danica is very well equipped to win almost any race on any weekend. Maybe one thing I've learned about the 2005 IndyCar Series Rookie of the Year is that she's not afraid to mix it up with racers. Evidence could be found when she got in Dan Wheldon's face. Her passion to win is intense. Almost as if she drives herself to win rather than seek some outside motivation.

Again, I've always believed in and supported Danica. I love watching her race and love watching her battle for position. And when she gets into NASCAR, I'm going to support her in finishing high and competing hard. She is currently one of my favorite race car drivers, let alone my favorite female race car driver. I think she will win a race again, and perhaps many more to come. I would most like to see her win the Indianapolis 500 or (a possible long shot) the IndyCar Series championship as she is still transitioning to NASCAR while still remaining competitive in the IndyCar Series.

Danica Patrick's Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)

Sarah Fisher.

Sarah Fisher
^ from: - Sarah Fisher from Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Sarah Fisher was the previous femme fatale of Indy car racing. When Danica was still trying to find her stride in the IndyCar Series, the one thing I've hinted on was that the one thing Danica hasn't done since Sarah Fisher was finish 2nd. I still respect Sarah Fisher today. Very talented racer she is, even if she's not in her form that she was in back in 2003.

Sarah Fisher's Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)

Simona di Silvestro.

Simona di Silvestro
^from: - Swiss race car driver Simona di Silvestro.

Swiss racer, Simona di Silvestro, is someone I am starting to appreciate more as I watch her in the IndyCar Series. She's won a few races in the Atlantics series. I think it will be a matter of time before Simona di Silvestro wins a race in IndyCar.

Ana Beatriz (or Bia Figueiredo).

Ana Beatriz Bia Figueiredo
^ from: - Ana Beatriz (Bia Figueiredo), talented race car driver from South America's factory of racing talent- Brazil.

Among many of the rookies at the 2010 Indy 500 was Brazil's Ana Beatriz. The 25-year old (born in 1985) won two races in Indy Lights. She finished 21st in her debut at the Indianapolis 500 earlier this year. In case you're wondering, her full name (thanks: Wikipedia) is Ana "Bia" Beatriz Caselato Gomes de Figueiredo.

Katherine Legge.

Katherine Legge
^ from: - British racing beauty Katherine Legge.

Katherine Legge was one of the most talented in the former Champ Car World Series. She is greatly talented and very capable in all of her racing. I'm honestly sorry I can't contribute much more than this description. I highly respect her ability.

Katherine Legge's Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)

Milka Duno.

Milka Duno
^ from:, by way of - the beautiful Venezuelan Milka Duno.

Venezuela's Milka Duno was someone I first heard of in sportscar racing. Her interest in racing developed rather late as she used to be a Naval engineer. She raced for Chamberlain Engineering in a Dodge Viper GTS-R back in 1999 or 2000. Then in 2001, I remember her for racing and doing well in the former LMP675 class for Dick Barbour Racing. She also has experience in a series called the World Series Light by Nissan (now known as the World Series by Renault). Milka has also raced in the Rolex Sportscar Series in a Daytona Prototype.

Now, she is a racer in the IndyCar Series. Unfortunately, she has underperformed severely in this series. Those who have criticized her think of her as a "moving chicane." And recently (as of July 26, 2010), she was put on probation for being very slow and not being very competitive. I absolutely hope she can improve her skill in this series. That's maybe even if she takes up another form of racing besides the IndyCar Series. I just want the best for Milka in her racing adventures.

(UPDATE: January 30, 2011) Milka Duno is nowadays testing the waters of stock car racing. She competed in a series of tests in ARCA. My best wishes are with her in doing her best in ARCA.

Milka Duno's Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)

Pippa Mann.

Pippa Mann
^ from: - Pippa Mann is going to be a fierce challenger in top-tier racing series if given the chance.

Born the same year as myself (1983; she was born on August 11, 1983), Pippa Mann races in the Firestone Indy Lights series. The British racer hails from London, England. Pippa Mann was only the second woman to win in the Indy Lights series, but she drove the wheels off of her car by winning pole position at Kentucky followed by a dominating performance in the main race. I think she can become a formidable racer in almost any series she takes part in. Star of the future material right here, folks.

Pippa Mann's Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)

Shannon McIntosh.

Meet a young Midwestern girl who may become a tour de force in racing. Shannon McIntosh is a young (born: July 24, 1989) lady from Miamisburg, Ohio, USA who has been racing since the age of five years old. Shannon's racing resumé contains some 100 or so wins. Could she be the next Danica Patrick? Could this pretty lady even reach legend status like Lyn St. James or Shirley Muldowney? Time will tell, but this young lady will certainly be one to watch for years to come.

Shannon McIntosh's blog (a Blogger/Blogspot blog! Yay!)
Shannon McIntosh's Facebook Fan Page
Follow Shannon McIntosh on Twitter!

--- Drag Racing ---

Angelle Sampey.

Angelle Sampey
^ from: - New Orleans native and talented drag racer, Angelle Sampey. Now retired.

When I first heard of her in 1999 or so, I've known her as Angelle Seeling. I've always known her as Angelle Seeling when I first got into racing in 1999. The New Orleans native has made her fame racing Pro Stock Bikes in the NHRA. While she is no longer active in the NHRA, I still regard this Louisianian as one of the most successful women in drag racing since Shirley Muldowney.

Lisa Kubo.

Lisa Kubo
^ from: - Lisa Kubo: fastest female import drag racer.

Lisa Kubo is a great import drag racer. I guess I know her best for racing a Saturn Ion in Pro FWD racing for the NDRA. The Californian is someone who I have respect for in drag racing.

Ashley Force-Hood.

Ashley Force-Hood
^ from: - Ashley Force-Hood.

John Force is one of the all-time greats in drag racing. The daughter of the 14-time Funny Car Champion, Ashley Force-Hood, is surely one of the best right now in Funny Car racing in the NHRA. I don't watch much of the NHRA much anymore, so I cannot say that I've seen her compete and win. She's definitely as competitive as her father. Sometimes, John Force and Ashley Force-Hood battle each other on the drag strip.

--- Stock Cars ---

Erin Crocker.

Erin Crocker
^ from: - Erin Crocker from Wilbraham, Massachusetts and a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Erin Crocker is certainly a talented and dedicated race car driver. The Massachusetts racer is a graduate of RPI and mostly races nowadays in lower-tier stock car racing series. She was once a developmental driver for Ford before going over to the Evernham Motorsports developmental program. Erin Crocker and Ray Evernham married last August.

Christi Passmore.

Christi Passmore
^ from: (best I could find) - This is Christi Passmore.
Christi Passmore is from Oklahoma. She is a young racer within the stock car ranks, mostly from ARCA. It is also pretty cool to be a race car driver and to have a last name of "Passmore."

--- Motorcycle Racing ---

Maria Costello.

Maria Costello Racing Facebook Fan Page (Alternate Site)
Maria Costello
^ from: - Maria Costello, a British motorcycle road racer.

Maria Costello is someone whom I've come across while playing "Suzuki TT Superbikes: Real Road Racing Championship." I did a random search online to learn more about her. The (born June 6, 1977)-year old is a British motorcycle racer from Northampton, England, United Kingdom. Her biggest claim to fame has been that she has been the fastest female (a Guinness World Record) for being posting the fastest mph around the famed Isle of Man TT course at 114.73 mph. That record, however, now belongs to Jenny Tinmouth. I know nothing more about her except what I've skimmed online in preparing this blog entry.

She's on YouTube! Check out

--- Touring Cars and Sportscar Racing ---

Vanina Ickx.

Vanina Ickx with Jacky
^ from: - Vanina Ickx alongside Dr. Wolfgang Ulrich.

When you are the daughter of a six-time 24 Hours of Le Mans outright winner like Jacky Ickx, you know you have quite a name to uphold. Vanina Ickx is a very good race car driver. The Belgian racer can mostly be found racing in DTM and in the Le Mans Series.

Liz Halliday.

Liz Halliday
^ from: - Liz Halliday, a lady that knows two varieties of horsepower.

Liz Halliday was someone I've heard of and seen in the American Le Mans Series. As much as she enjoys sportscar racing, the San Diego, CA, USA native also enjoys equestrian events with horses. She even moved to England to focus on equestrian events.

--- Drifting ---

Verena Mei.

Verena Mei
^ from: - Verena Mei, born in Pearl City, Hawaii, USA. Isn't she pretty? :) She has a cute voice as well.

Who says girls can't drift? Verena Mei knows how to get sideways and look cool doing it. This (born November 2, 1974)-year old Asian-American beauty from Pearl City, Hawaii, USA is a very good drifter. She was not only one of the first females to race in Formaula D, she is also the first Asian-American female to get an NHRA license. Verena is educated in a variety of racing disciplines. Away from racing, she is a model and an actress. She represents her own team, Stargirl Racing, which can be visited online at Stargirl Racing's website.

--- Touring Cars and Sportscar Racing ---

Susie Stoddart.

Susie Stoddart's Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)

^ from: - Susie Stoddart.

You can find British racer, Susie Stoddart, racing in Germany's premier motorsports series, the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters (DTM) series. I don't know much more about the Brit except that she races in DTM.

Cindi Lux.

Cindi Lux
^ from: - Cindi Lux's racing resumé will astound you with how many races and championships she has won through her career.

I just read about this woman in preparing this blog entry. Cindi Lux has extensive racing experience and has plenty to show for it. The native of Aloha, Oregon is not only a race car driver, but she is also a team owner. She owns her own team, Lux Performance Group. Visit Cindi Lux's website to learn more about her highly successful and decorated career as a race car driver.

--- Women in Motorsport: [Some] Names of the Past ---

Now let's take a look at some of the ladies of speed. This section, however, is for those that are either retired or just not really racing much.

(NOTE: Most information from Wikipedia, except for personal commentary)

--- Stock Car ---

Lyn St. James.

Followers of Lyn St. James (Facebook, Alt. Site)
Lyn St. James
^ from: - Lyn St. James.

Lyn St. James is royalty to me. She was the hottest in American racing LONG before the likes of Danica Patrick or anybody. I wish I knew more about her racing career, though. I do know she's been a great Indy car racer as well as doing some rounds in IMSA sportscar racing back during the lovely GTP days.

Janet Guthrie.

Iowa's Janet Guthrie is credited as the first female to qualify for and compete in both the Indy 500 and the Daytona 500. Even as Danica Patrick was coming up through the Indy car ranks, she was compared to the likes of Janet Guthrie and Lyn St. James.

Tammy Jo Kirk.

Tammy Jo Kirk
^ from: - With her pink-clad team, this was Tammy Jo Kirk in 1997 racing the #7 Lovable Bras Ford F-150.

I've never seen Tammy Jo Kirk race. I only heard of her when I was looking through a NASCAR catalog. The Georgia girl raced the #7 Lovable Bras Ford F-150 in 1997 in NASCAR Trucks. She's also a motorcycle racer, but I know nothing of her in motorcycles.

--- Drag Racing ---

Shirley Muldowney.

Shirley Muldowney
^ from: - the legendary drag racer Shirley Muldowney.

I would say that Vermont native, Shirley Muldowney, is perhaps the best female racer in any discipline of motorsport. She won three championships in NHRA's Top Fuel class of competition. She is truly one of the finest and a real trail blazer for women in motorsport (let alone in drag racing).

--- Rally/Off-Road ---

Michèle Mouton.

Michèle Mouton
^ from:, by way of - Michèle Mouton strapped in and ready to go in her Audi in the Group B days.

Had it not been for an Audi commercial, I would have known nothing of Michèle Mouton. I'd say she was probably one of the best females to pilot the wicked Group B rally cars. As I've read on Wikipedia, the French woman is now the FIA President of the Women and Motorsport Commission.

--- Touring Cars and Sportscar Racing ---

Carol Hollfelder.

Carol Hollfelder
^ from: - The Californian Carol Hollfelder was a paraplegic racing in (then) Speedvision World Challenge's GT series in a Ferrari F355.

Paraplegic racer, Carol Hollfelder, raced in the series known then as Speedvision World Challenge. A bio on notes that she got her injury after being in a motorcycle crash in 1987, sustaining a spinal cord injury. She used to be an equestrian before looking for a different kind of horsepower. I remember her best for racing a Ferrari F355 in Speedvision World Challenge's GT class. Just the fact that she has a desire to race despite being paraplegic is worth some love. Carol is a model of being able to race barrier-free. I have full respect for Carol and wish her the best in all of her endeavors.

Claudia Hürtgen.

Claudia Hürtgen
^ from: (best I could find) - Claudia Hürtgen standing beside her BMW race car.
Claudia Hürtgen of Germany is another racer I've heard a lot of, but never followed her career or know much about her. She has done an extensive deal of racing in touring cars and in sportscar racing.

Terri O'Connell (Honorable Mention!).

Terri O'Connell
^ from: - Terri O'Connell has over 500 victories in multiple forms of motorsport.

Finally, I give Honorable Mention to Terri O'Connell. Why? The reason why I am including her is because Terri... is a transsexual. She was born a man named J.T. Hayes from Mississippi. She had a sex change in 1992 and has even dated certain NASCAR drivers. Through her career (now retired), she has a total of over 500 wins in a variety of motorsport disciplines.

--- Women in Motorsport: Non-Racers, Special Mention, and... Those I COMPLETELY Forgot to Mention ---

These are either females that are not race car drivers, haven't raced, partake in motorsports for reporting and hosting, or things like that. I just want to make quick mention of some ladies that involve themselves in motorsport.

Crash Gladys.

Crash Gladys' Facebook Fan Page (Alt. Site)
Crash of SpeedFreaks is my favorite personality on SpeedFreaks. She's not afraid to express points however she can on the greatly popular SpeedFreaks program. Maybe the coolest thing about her is how she's basically grown up with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The Indy 500 is like Christmas for this Indianapolis native.

Jamie Howe.

Speed Channel reporter and host, Jamie Howe, is a young reporter for Speed Channel whom I've grown respectful of in her pit reporting. She was also the co-host for "Copart Sold in Seconds." Jamie works with passion in all of her work, speaking wonderfully with a warm smile and diamond-blue eyes. The Tennessee girl is always a treat to watch on TV.

Jamie Little.

I am a fan of Jamie Howe on Speed Channel. I am a fan of Jamie Little on the ESPN/ABC networks. I'm adding Jamie Little here as she won the 2008 Pro Celebrity Race outright on the streets of Long Beach. The Las Vegas native does a great job for ESPN.

Here are some racers I COMPLETELY forgot about (I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Please?):
Melanie Troxel, drag racer
Leilani Munter, stock car racer who is also an environmental activist
Andrea Robertson - racer for Robertson Racing in the American Le Mans Series (link goes to Robertson Racing's official site)
• The three racers that made up the all-female Swiss team for the #61 Matech Competition Ford GT: Natacha Gachnang, Cyndie Allemann, and Rahel Frey. All three of these ladies were born in 1986.

--- My Message to All the Female Racers Out There ---

Enjoy racing! Race as hard as you can and enjoy the thrill of racing. Perhaps your racing can inspire other females to enter the wonderful (and sometimes dangerous) world of racing.

If you are any of the ladies I mentioned in this blog post, I want to say hello to you and to show my appreciation for your racing! You are the ones to let females know they can follow their dreams and race as hard as any boy on the track.

Just for all the female racing fans and for all the female racers out there...

That concludes this blog entry. Want more on ladies in racing? I will work to provide some resources for all of you.
Auto Racing - Women's Sports Foundation
gearhead girls racing

A lot of these racers have books and other material. Allow me to provide Amazon material for you. I may work on "John's Shop Space" to include more items on Amazon featuring the females featured in this blog. For now, here are a few Amazon items to help push your love of racing further...

(~~~ John's Shop Space image link to appropriate topic ~~~)

NOTE: This section contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

THIS LINE (from left to right):
  1. "Danica - Crossing the Line." This book is a look at Danica Patrick from humble beginnings to the IndyCar superstar. I personally want to get this book myself.
  2. "The Ride of Your Life: A Racecar Driver's Journey." - Lyn St. James created this autobiography documenting on her long racing career in this book.
  3. "Janet Guthrie: A Life at Full Throttle." The autobiography of Janet Guthrie is this book here.
  4. "Shirley Muldowney's Tales from the Track." This book is a look at Shirley Muldowney and her illustrious career.
  5. "Nascar Women: At the Heart of Racing." From author, Denise Wood, this book looks at the impacts women have made in NASCAR.

Thank you for reading!

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

24 Hour Restaurant Battle

I have been watching a lot more of Food Network lately. One show I've seen was the premier of "24 Hour Restaurant Battle," hosted by chef Scott Conant. Allow me to set this up. What you have is two teams of either two or three people. Both of which, are given about $4,000 USD to set up an entire restaurant in this big room divided by a wall. Both restaurants will be on either side of this wall. Basically, these are two rookie restaurants in (and I stress) CLOSE competition with each other! The teams have 24 hours to prepare everything from start to finish. Once the restaurants have been finalized, a variety of customers (including some big name judges in the food industry) will enter and evaluate the restaurant. The winning team will receive $10,000 USD to start their own restaurant. It's a great concept. Teams have to prepare the following:

* a restaurant name
* preparation of a full menu
* furniture and decor
* prepare and cook lots of food
* while given staff, the teams are responsible for managing that staff

I have to say- this is a great concept. It's great to envision that these teams can prepare a makeshift restaurant complete with a variety of food for many people. The big bopper for who won the first episode (it involved Italian Cuisine) was that one team prepared RAW chicken- health hazard! It's really amazing how these makeshift restaurants are put together while offering so much for customers. If you get Food Network, please be sure to check out "24 Hour Restaurant Battle."

For more information on "24 Hour Restaurant Battle," visit its homepage on Thanks for reading! Do you and a few others have what it takes to build a makeshift restaurant from start to finish within 24 hours, while also providing high-quality food and service? I couldn't come up with a restaurant in 24 hours even if (and a few others) have tried. So therefore, I have great respect for those who take part in this competition.

Extra Material...
* To keep up on who won each episode of "24 Hour Restaurant Battle," here is a link I found that may be of use to you: 24 Hour Restaurant Battle News (

* If you have Facebook, Become a Fan of "24 Hour Restaurant Battle" on Facebook!
* Visit the new website, the official home page for "24 Hour Restaurant Battle" host, Scott Conant.

Thank you for reading my blog entry!

Friday, July 23, 2010

"I Want Normal Kids"

Thirty-year old mother, Saiqa Akhter, killed her two children because they were autistic and wanted "normal kids." Saiqa made a disturbing call to 911 that she killed the autistic kids. This incident happened in Irving, Texas, USA. I didn't want to blog about this until I really began to think about this story and the gravity of the impact of this story. So allow me to sound off. By the way, here is the lady who will NOT be winning "Mom of the Year" anytime soon:

^ from: - Saiqa Akhter.

If you want to read the article online I am taking information from, please visit this link: Mother Kills Her Two Kids for Being Autistic (courtesy of

What the bloody hell were you thinking, killing your two children, let alone two autistic children? I am reminded of a young woman who requested me as a friend on Myspace. She is a woman with a great heart despite her rough past. She's working to get a job, go back to school, and... raise her autistic son. The difference between my Myspace friend and this woman who wanted normal kids is that despite the troubles and slow times for my Myspace friend, she hasn't resorted to killing off her autistic son.

I have no experience in being a parent or a babysitter, but killing off a child (let alone an autistic one) is a deplorable shame. Whatever happened to giving birth to and raising a child or children despite any abnormalities or ailiments? You don't take away your own child or childrens' lives as a parent. You just don't! What you're saying as a parent is that you've given up and that all the effort of being pregnant and raising a child... goes for nothing. You might as well say that. You've wasted years of your life, lots of money, and lots of tender loving care in helping raise children and start a family. Congratulations- you are not only a disgrace to mothers living in the United States, but also mothers in general. Is this a way to send a message to parents of autistic children?

As for autism itself, I am not educated in any such way about autism. Most parents who have children with certain illnesses or abnormalities have loving care and loving support of their children. This woman, obviously does not. I am appalled by this woman's decision to kill her autistic children. The best friends such children will EVER have is their parents. When a parent fails to deliver his/her end of the deal, that child becomes even more screwed for life. For a family to actually BE a family, the parent(s) has/have to step up. Saiqa and her actions and words are truly appaling. Being a parent can be stressful, but it should NEVER... and I mean NEVER come to this. Don't give me a negative reaction to this next sentence, but your kids ARE normal even if they have some abnormality or ailment. They just need more attention and care. And just to kill them because you wanted "normal" kids is just terrible.

Let this be a lesson to any parent or future parent that may have a child or children diagnosed with a certain abnormality or ailment. Being a parent to a child or children is a life-long process. It is a life-long process that involves being taken what you are given and trying to make the most out of it. You fail as a parent and as a human being when you kill your own children the way Saiqa did. If Saiqa is somehow given a second chance (she could be faced with life in prison or the Death Penalty if convicted), I hope she never makes this mistake again if she gives birth to any more children. As for the slain children of their deranged mother, one can only imagine what kinds of futures they would have if they weren't killed by their mother. This woman robbed her own two children of a happy and promising future. That, as a parent, is inexcuseable. Good luck trying to defend this because there is no defense. One should know better than to attack his/her own children in this kind of way, and even more so when the children have some kind of ailment or abnormality (like autism). She acted among herself and gave a black eye to parents around the United States.

That's my ideas on this issue. I'm just angry about all of this. What do you think about a situation like this? SENSIBLE comments, please (meaning no personal attacks, racism, spam, etc.)!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A YouTube Tell-All

In somewhat tell-all fashion, I will explain to an extent about myself on YouTube in recent times. "Making the most of what little I have" has been my mantra. And that's what I am- cheap and low-key. Despite this, however, I have garnered the loving respect of over 300+ subscribers and 300+ friends the world over. So is the mission of JohnMarineTube, my YouTube channel.

Allow me to begin...

--- A Brief Overview ---
I think YouTube, more than anything else, is about expressing yourself through the medium of online videos. You do not have to be a superstar or Internet celebrity to be big on YouTube. Not everyone is going to get subscribers by the thousands. People become successful on YouTube because their video touches people in certain ways. What I think the problem is is that you HAVE to make something even remotely close to or better than what YouTube heavyweights would make. My methods just seem too conventional and boring. I was never given much in opportunity or attention. And as a result, I am slow in making significant success. I question my success when I feel I didn't do that good of a job at something.

--- My One Moment of Relevance ---
Even if at the expense of getting more haters than actual real viewers, I became relevant for real in September 2009 when I made a video about KanYe West dissing Taylor Swift. I made my own video commentary doing most of my videos the way I normally do, and it paid off. My views for the video skyrocketed, and I felt like I was well on my way to finally being relevant. But here's what happened since- I think it got to 76 views after one hour, then went to 4K views in a day or two... then almost stagnated. I wouldn't get to 5K views for my video until just last month or earlier this month. All the while, I had checked to see if my video got any honors from YouTube. There were other videos that got 4,000 or 5,000 views in one day or in a week... and my video was NOT one of them!

That's why I don't rely on current event videos because I want to make material that I think will really be worth watching again and again. I sometimes see current events as a way to get views, but the long-term success of them don't usually last unless you make something truly of great quality. One of the most-commented videos of all-time had to do with

--- How Come I Am Not as Successful as I Deem Successful? ---
Here is an honest answer from me- because I'm not interesting or intriguing enough. If I had a lot of talent or became better accepted by people, I would be in a much better place than I am now. I have been responded to as being boring. My defense is that if I had the kind of talent that makes most other YouTube channels and videos successful, don't you think I would have such better success?

There are two personal reasons why I don't think my channel and videos aren't as great as they could be. One of them is just that I'm not viral material. I take my work too seriously because I consider myself professional when posting material online. It wouldn't do me any good to post anything out of randomness. People want to see something that is so cool that it's shared among family and friends. I've only fulfilled this end of the bargain only a few times. I've seen people on YouTube (such as "sxephil") who speak in front of the camera, have high-voltage personality, and get a hell of a lot more views than me. Many of the established YouTube channels have been around for at least two or three years.

The other personal reason (and I don't want to offend anyone)? I'm not in a glamourous city. A lot of online personalities are either in the New York City area, almost any coastal city in California, or (more importantly) the Los Angeles area. These are places more people care about in the US than my hometown of Houston. Of course, many people just see Houston as a dirty city with no soul or glamour. I'd say we're a character city. Just because I'm not living in the Los Angeles area within reach of many celebrities doesn't mean I can't be significant. Being on YouTube, to me, means being the best at what you do regardless of where you come from. You may be from another city and live in a more glamourous one, but I am not going to leave Houston for Los Angeles (or someplace else) just to become more noticed. Houston will always be the city I will celebrate and honor wherever in the universe I go whether you like Houston or not. I don't have to be in some extremely appealing city just to be noticed and to be a star.

So that's why I think I'm not as successful as I could be on YouTube. Having a camcorder or engaging personality isn't the answer- I'm just not viral video material or glamourous material. Do I want to be viral video material? In my view, I don't really care if I am viral material because I want to be famous on the grounds of making great discussions on topics. Countless others have done well speaking on camera about things. Why haven't I prospered?

--- Some Admittances; Double Standards? ---
I guess a moment where I began to question my status on YouTube was when I saw a video "communitychannel" did about the Google Maps street view man. What I began to question was that if I did a video like that (it's a great video she did, as are many of Natalie's others), it would get nowhere near the views that I would have gotten if I made a similar video. I have respect for other YouTube channels, so I would never make any kind of disrespectful video or something regarding a certain channel. I am just another nobody on YouTube's 1,000,000,000+ member list.

It was a moment like this that made me question ever becoming any kind of significant success on YouTube. For most of my life, I have always been the proverbial bridesmaid. I've watched other people become successful and relevant while I just remain stagnant and just mope along in life. I aspire to success, but have yet to really feel successful in my work. You can prepare and dream all you want, but it all comes down to making dreams reality. No one person can ever become a success if one isn't committed and work towards success. Fact is- I'm not a heavyweight on YouTube. I am not that big of a deal. I am only going to be as relevant as people see fit. I am going to watch other people feel relevant and successful while I wake up and go to sleep knowing I've become a failure. I have the personality and ambition and desire to be at least completely relevant. Thing is, my vision (which isn't a massive vision) and reality are a total mismatch.

Maybe what makes me upset is that through my old-fashioned style and methods, I could only achieve only so much. Maybe I think that you don't need to make any intensely funny and unreal videos to be a hit. And what if I did make a video that makes me relevant again (meaning, a video that gets to 4,000+ views in a day or two)? I guess someone who takes his/her work on a serious tone is nothing compared to someone who posts a video of him/her and his/her friends acting stupid... and gets 100,000+ views in a few days or a week. Also, I would never lower myself to posting a controversial video just to get views. When I think controversial, I think of certain videos of illegal acts posted online, like a fight at school, for example. One example of trying to get famous with an offensive video was when two girls at a high school in Ohio (I think in Akron or Cleveland) a few years ago wanted to become famous online by filming a fight in the girls' locker room.

I would never lower myself just to get famous. If I want to be famous, I want to be famous for being myself and expressing myself the way I want to. Something I believe in is in being yourself online as you are offline. There is somewhat a questionable link when you post something on the Internet that you lie about and don't be geniune about. Chances are, with the exception of some of my friends, I may never get to meet everyone who loves my videos. So in case I never get to meet the people in person who love my material, I exhibit myself in a respectful way so that if you WERE to meet me, you'd see that I am the same person with the same personality even without recording myself in a video. I don't consider myself overly popular or funny, so I don't waste my time trying to become seriously funny. Why would I try this hard to be somebody that I am not? I just act myself... at the expense of dwindling view and subscriber counts. But at least, I show how real I am. Real means real to me, rather than being brash and boastful.

--- Casually Professional and Independent ---
If I come up with a video that I don't think will generate any great ratings or get a lot of views, I wouldn't attempt it. That's why I canceled my video project on the 2010 Houston Auto Show and why I ditched a video idea to talk about Gran Turismo 5 at E3 2010. How can anyone else be happy with my videos if I'm not happy with my performance? I am my own director, editor, and evaluator. I have a professional attitude while being very casual. This is why I say I am casually professional- had I been part of some film company and make a lackluster effort in a video, I'd be fired. That's why I've chosen to be independent in my work. Because I just don't know what I want to devote the rest of my life to with a Bachelor's Degree, I have stuck with YouTube and blogging. Blogging and YouTube are basically my life and my only real form of relevance in this world. Most people my age have been or are becoming successful. Myself? I'm basically a guy in his house making videos and posting blog entries (like this one).

Being my own person, I think only I can make my material work. I have never been a great school student, so I've chosen online media to be my only arena of relevance and respect. Not a good long-term decision, but I need to do SOMETHING to become relevant. Otherwise, why even put myself on the Internet?

--- YouTube Studies I've Done ---
I actually wanted to make a blog entry some time December 17, 2009 or so when I wanted to do a study on popular YouTube channels. Earlier this year, I did my own experiment as to WHY certain popular channels are so popular. This was to see what they had to offer as opposed to what I was offering for my videos and channel. One thing I have realized is that no one formula works for every channel. Everything comes down to what you provide for your own channel and for your own audience.

One of the studies I've done on December 17, 2009 was a meditative look at many of the really popular YouTube channels have been around since 2006. Some have been around since 2007. Maybe a key to me was that I looked at Partner channels on YouTube. Those are the ones who get paid for their work. Maybe the most surprising YouTube heavyweight to me was Nalts. I don't know... I consider Nalts to be a big deal, but he doesn't have tons of subscribers or a lot of highly-watched videos.

Another study concerned actually WHAT made certain YouTube channels so good. I actually seen some of their most recent (at the time) videos. Also, I checked out some of their very first videos. The thing I discovered is that so many of these channels and their topics are SO far off-base of what I try to do. It may make my material boring, but at least I'm happy with my work the way I do it. Just to show you that I tried to look at some of the bigger channels, here were channels that I looked up in my own field study back on December 17, 2009:

* VenetianPrincess
* WasteTimeChasingCars
* sxephil
* Nalts
* nigahiga
* lisanova
* hotforwords
* HappySlip
* Fred
* communitychannel
* kevjumba
* smosh
* NDTitanLady
* ShaneDawsonTV
* ijustine
* RayWilliamJohnson
* TimothyDeLaGhetto2

A lot of these channels are very talented and make great videos. However, many of them and their videos are too far off-base as to what I try to bring to my own videos. So the best course of action is to just do what you do and not be so concerned with what other people do. Still, it feels bad that I can not aspire to any level of success that most of the channels I've listed above have had.

This is why I've recently decided to stop trying to achieve greatness. The average YouTube watcher cares too much on major channels and hates any lower channel that doesn't meet the standards set by YouTube heavyweights. Not as many people look for diamonds in the rough and those who don't have a whole lot to make quality videos with. I didn't get my own camcorder until back in January. I've used THREE different webcams in recording myself. I really begin to question why I am even trying to become seriously relevant on YouTube. Fact is, I've never become fully relevant in almost ANYTHING. I was always the bridesmaid- NEVER the bride. I was never seriously popular among friends, never seen as a big deal... this has been the life I've lived among peers. I keep trying to pursue success because I have such a big heart and loads of hope in all that I do. But really, I can only be as successful as I eventually become.

To everyone who has given me and JohnMarineTube a chance, thanks so much! You all are my great fans. Most of you know I'm not one of the greatest YouTube channels, but I am great to you. And for this, I am most certainly thankful. That concludes this blog/rant. Keep supporting my material!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

External Hard Drives

I can not begin to tell you how proud I am to have an external expansion drive. I got myself a 320GB external hard drive from Seagate this past Christmas. My 2005 computer carries up to 40 GB of memory. So let's look at the logistics of it: 40 GB hard drive for my PC with a 320 GB hard drive. In other words... I could back up my entire PC on this external hard drive and still have 7/8 of storage left for other things. While my computer is mostly outdated by today's standards, it is still a great PC to work around. Adding an external hard drive has given me the ability to store more material on it without fear of deleting something for eternity. In fact, I have used my external drive to put some of my games on. That way, I can save up a lot of space. My rFactor folder, for example, takes up about 11 GB including all the things I've downloaded for it. Moving it and all of my files (I actually just made a fresh install to the external drive) has given me a chance to play this game again without having to worry about this game using up lots of space on my computer. I have a bunch of old or fairly recent games. I somewhat have re-ignited interest in buying certain PC games today by installing them on my external hard drive.

Why should you consider getting an external hard drive? The primary reason is to be able to store more material than what you can on your internal hard drive. Portable hard drives give you the ability to take your files on the go. My Seagate external hard drive is a portable USB-powered hard drive. Make sure to find an external hard drive that really suits your needs. There are external hard drives nowadays that hold up to 1 or 2 terrabytes. That's really too much if you just have a PC that doesn't have that massive of a hard drive. It's also too much if you don't have a lot of files to back up. So find a portable hard drive that really and truly suits your immediate needs. Also, it's best to find one that best fits your PC specifications. If it helps, it also is important to find an external hard drive that is compatible for your operating system.

NOTE: This section contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

If you're interested in portable hard drives and want to shop online, I can help you here. I have included a few items from Amazon to help you in picking out an external hard drive that best suits your computer or laptop. I will start with Seagate, since that's the brand I have.

^ from: - a Seagate portable expansion hard drive. This is the one I am using.

^ Portable external hard drive from Seagate. This is a USB-powered portable external hard drive. Its main draw is that you could freely be able to plug-and-play (meaning you don't have to install it) this external hard drive without having any other PC really detect it. For example- you could listen to all of your favorite MP3s, see all of your favorite videos, and even load your favorite media programs on this thing... and not have to worry about physically tapping into the computer you're using. This device is actually above my PC specifications, but it still serves as my expansion drive. This is more like the USB Flash Drive evolved. I strongly recommend getting a Seagate portable external hard drive. Problem is, I don't think they are compatible with Mac computers. Black only. Available capacities: 250 GB, 320 GB, 500 GB, 640 GB, and 750 GB.

Now that you've seen the one I am using, let me show you many other external hard drives available on Amazon. Please use the widgets below to find an external hard drive that you can use and utilize for your computer or laptop. Click on any item to find one that interests you the most.

For portable hard drives:

For external hard drives:

For external hard drives, for Apple/Mac computers:

Thank you for reading!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Medical Scrubs

(UPDATED: April 7, 2012)

For those in the medical field, wearing scrubs on the job is just as expressive and as stylish can help you stand out and look and feel good. Initially a blog entry about fashionable medical scrubs, I've included basic scrubs to this blog entry. Those in the medical field don't have to wear the same drab scrubs. At least a host of designers have worked to make scrubs more fun and stylish. You should afford to look your best while saving and preserving lives. In fact, I've seen a lot of different individual medical scrubs. One woman I encountered once was wearing pink medical scrubs with the Houston Texans logos all over the scrubs. This blog entry in fashion is not about looking chic or handsome. Instead, this is dedicated to all the doctors and nurses who want to wear scrubs other than the same old solid colors. Though, I will feature them.

Most of my fashion-themed material are related specifically for the given audience or audiences featured. Here, however, this is strictly for those in the medical field or those entering the medical field.


APR 7 2012 - updated look of post; several edits

--- Medical Scrubs at a Glance ---

When it comes to medical scrubs, it is all about wearing clothes in the given environment in helping maintain and preserve the lives of others. These are comfortable clothes to wear if doing medical work. The basic medical scrubs make up the wardrobe for many doctors and nurses. Footwear usually consists of sneakers or rubber clogs. From dentists to doctors and nurses, there are a variety of different scrubs that I have seen. My primary intent was to talk about unique medical scrubs, but I have decided to go with fashion (and I will use that term loosely here) and proper medical scrubs. Most scrubs are, for the most part, unisex.

--- Medical Scrubs in Pictures ---

Time to show you some pictures. Here are some medical scrubs and various other medical outfits in pictures:


medical scrubs
^ from: - medical scrubs at their most basic. Many of them come in their own colors and patterns.

fashion medical scrubs
^ from: - Why do scrubs have to be boring looking? Designers, even including the likes of Baby Phat (who designed the scrubs above), make their own unique medical scrubs.

colorful medical scrubs
^ from: - This medical scrub top is colorful and lively.

Medical Clogs and Footwear.

rubber clogs medical scrubs
^ from: - If you wear rubber clogs with your casual outfits, then at least know that rubber clogs (especially those work-appropriate ones) are very much acceptable in work environments.

Various rubber clogs that have small openings on them have been considered dangerous for workplace environments for doctors and nurses. Rubber clogs, especially those with holes on them, have been deemed mostly hazardous, primarily because of the possibility of materials that could land on a doctor or nurse's feet. You may want to find some clogs that don't have holes at the front or along the feet of the clogs, just to be safe. In addition, avoid any brightly-colored clogs (except (obviously) white clogs). The reason why to avoid bright-colored clogs is to avoid the possibility of malfunctioning equipment through discharging static electricity.

Of course, a decent pair of athletic-type sneakers and workwear-appropriate sneakers are also very acceptable to wear.

So as much as medical scrubs are much appreciated when operating or handling other duties, they also don't have to be just boring-looking and drab. It's best to find some scrubs that are not only required to wear, but also stylish. You CAN express yourself with nice scrubs!

--- John's Special Salute to All in the Medical Field ---

I, John Marine, would like to salute everyone who works within the medical field to help save lives and help preserve lives. This includes everyone from doctors to nurses to veterinarians to everyone else involved in the field of health care.

Thanks to all of you who visited this blog entry! I may set up a blog entry on John's Shop Space featuring more items. I'd like for all of you to have a look at items I've found on Amazon. I have set up some widgets to feature a variety of medical uniform material to help you look your best while also making sure to save and preserve lives. Please use the widgets to help find whatever it is you're looking for. No commentary of mine will be made available, so make sure to carefully read about every detail about each item before deciding to place an order on something you need. You will need to read for more information on each item in these widgets before deciding to purchase something that interests you.

Thank you for reading! My reward to you is for you to find apparel for you to wear around the clinic, hospital, or wherever you conduct your healthcare business through Amazon. So look around and happy shopping! :)

But first, this disclaimer:
NOTE: This section contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

For medical scrubs (some items may be unisex, may also include children's medical scrubs):

For various other medical supplies and accessories:

For medical scrub footwear (such as rubber clogs and work-appropriate sneakers and shoes):

I have also featured some clogs and mules that can be appropriate for work in my blog entry on clogs and mules as well as clogs and mules on John's Shop Space. Visit these blog entries for more clogs and more about them.

(~~~ this area reserved for a possible John's Shop Space image link? ~~~)

Once again, I salute everyone who works in the field of health care. That includes all of you doctors, nurses, and veterinarians. Your work is greatly appreciated in helping keep all of us healthy and alive! Thank you for reading!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010


(UPDATED: December 16, 2011)

Quinceañeras are the Coming of Age parties for girls for their 15th (since 15 in Spanish is quince) birthday. These parties are more like the Sweet Sixteens of Latin American cultures. These young teen girls have a lavish celebration. They wear beautiful dresses and also look beautiful. Essentially, the girls celebrating a Quinceañera is treated like a princess. These celebrations are almost like the combination of a birthday party and a wedding. A beautiful ballroom dance follows, usually with the girl's escort (can be a family member, a boyfriend, etc.). These occasions can be amazing for those celebrating Quinceañeras. It's party time for the Quinceañera girl!

PERSONAL NOTE: I want to welcome everyone to this blog post. Thanks to all of you for keeping this blog post popular. I hope you enjoy what you read here. Feel free to comment and share your own thoughts if you wish.

--- Quinceañeras at a Glance ---

I mentioned earlier that Quinceañeras are like the combination of a birthday party and a wedding. You obviously want to look and feel like a princess or a goddess (or whatever you consider the highest form of beauty and importance). They are both a festive party and a vastly religious experience. The girl celebrating her 15th birthday is usually in a beautiful dress, about as beautiful as the most alluring wedding dresses. Her hair is done up beautifully as she'll be ready to have her wonderful festivities. Basically, the preparation for all of this is basically like a wedding.

Here are a number of things that happens based on what I've read on the Internet and seen in videos. The ceremony itself consists of blessings to declare the Quinceañera girl into womanhood. A Quinceañera waltz (or vals) is where a beautiful dance (similar to a wedding dance) commences. The girl usually dances with an escort and with others in beautiful ballroom-type waltz dancing. What may also be wanted for a Quinceañera is a baile sorpresa (surprise dance). This is where a unique dance routine is incorporated into the whole Quinceañera, usually after the usual Quinceañera waltz/vals.

I don't know much else about Quinceañeras except for the ceremony and the dancing. If I've screwed up things (which I probably have), please set me straight by posting comments to help me make this blog entry better. I don't want to make low-quality blog entries that only earn me disrespect among the public at large.

--- Quinceañeras in Pictures ---

These are Quinceañera pictures I've found on the Internet, with proper citations given:

Quinceanera dress
^ from: - Enter womanhood in style with a beautiful Quinceañera dress!

Quinceanera ceremony
^ from: - a young teen girl ready to celebrate her Quinceañera.

quinceanera escort
^ from: - part of a Quinceañera is a dance with an escort. In this picture, the girl's escort is (I am assuming) her father. Escorts can also be her boyfriend, another family member, or someone like that.

quinceanera party
^ from: - like almost any party or special occasion, the parties can have themes. The theme in this Quinceañera is a beach theme.

--- Quinceañeras in Videos ---

I have some videos to share with you to give you a look at Quinceañeras. These are YouTube videos featuring Quinceañeras.

Quinceañera, from Start to Finish.

This video is a highlight video with an Aladdin theme. As I mentioned earlier, Quinceañeras can have a theme. This one is a beautiful one. Watch as this teen girl is transformed into a Quinceañera queen, then has her lovely Quinceañera proper:

Quinceañera Ceremony.

This video shows you a religious ceremony for the Quinceañera. The sound is low, so you may need to turn up the volume to hear this clearly:

Quinceañera Waltz/Vals.

This video features a Quinceañera waltz (or vals):

Baile Sorpresa (Surprise Dance) Quinceañera.

Here below is a video of a surprise dance, or as it's also called, baile sopresas:

That concludes this blog entry (unless I want to add more material in future edits). If you're looking for Quinceañera material online, here are resources and Amazon material for you. First, resources: (SPANISH) and (ENGLISH) -
Quinceañera Mall - experts in planning Quinceañeras and also includes Quinceañera dresses and accessories
Mis Quince Magazine - a magazine devoted to Quinceañeras, from the Seventeen Network (meaning, the same people behind Seventeen Magazine, CosmoGirl, and TeenMag among others).
Quinceañera Magazine - planning and items for your Quinceañera.
Quinceañeras - Hispanic Culture - more information on Quinceañeras in general.

Now, Amazon material. All the material you see in these widgets can be found on I am providing you these items to have a look at. Hover over an item to see more information on each material and to buy whatever interests you. Scroll through the pages to find more items in case what you see on one page doesn't fully interest you. Have a look around and happy shopping!

NOTE: This section contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

For Quinceañera material in general:

For Quinceañera clothing (including Quinceañera dresses, accessories, and even formal clothing for men and boys):

And here is an item of Honorable Mention:

^ (Honorable Mention!) "Quinceañera" DVD. Released in 2006 by Sony Pictures. This 91-minute movie is Rated "R."

For a preview of this movie, check out this trailer released on YouTube in 2006:

One last thing... if you or someone you know is celebrating a Quinceañera, I would like to offer you my congratulations on this lovely moment in your life. If you have memories of your own Quinceañera, feel free to share your experiences in a comment as well. I need to get my readers and viewers more involved in my blog entries. Perhaps you can help! Thank you for reading!

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