Thursday, August 19, 2010

GT5 Commentary: Kart Racing

Gran Turismo 5 delivered a bombshell with kart racing. A report in the past indicated that kart racing would make its debut into Gran Turismo 5. Recent tidbits from GamesCom 2010 shown off karting for Gran Turismo 5. Recently, we've finally seen pictures of karts racing in Gran Turismo 5. I'll be here to share with you why this is such a big deal for Gran Turismo and for racing in general for GT5.

Why should you be excited for kart racing? Well, here are a few basic reasons. First off, here is a picture I've saved to my PC from my friends at

GT5 Karting from GamesCom 2010
^ (picture credit: - Kart racing will provide a brand-new dynamic of racing in the Gran Turismo series.

Kart racing makes up some of the simplest race cars anywhere in the world (especially racing karts). Before any of you start complaining to me that karts are slow and boring, read on. After doing some kart racing before (mostly at family fun centers), there is NOTHING like racing a go-kart! It's so much fun to race something literally an inch off the ground with no suspension. You feel like you're flying and going full speed even though you're probably in a 6 or 12 horsepower kart.

To me, racing karts are the simplest and purest racing machines. You can't do 180 mph down the Hunaudieres at Le Mans in a kart, but you can enjoy full-speed thrills in a simple kart. Kart racing also serves as an entryway into a proper racing career. Consider this as well in regards to kart racing. Memo Gidley in (then) CART said in Road and Track Magazine that you can learn everything about a Champ Car by piloting a racing kart. One could say that if you could race a go-kart to victory, you can race ANYTHING to victory.

Gran Turismo 5, then, has offered something to impress many more kinds of people than what this series usually provides. I do wish a track like MotorLand or Motor Sports Land (GT2) could be used for karting than this rather basic and boring Piazza del Campo. Piazza del Campo will also be kart-exclusive (because it would be too boring to try to drift around there). Say what you want about kart racing. To me, this is a great pickup for GT5. Question is, could this extend to some other styles of karting, especially superkarts?

If you're a karting fan and a Gran Turismo 5, get excited! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with kart racing. This will be real kart racing, not like you'd see in the arcade-style kart games (though I have absolutely nothing against them). Prepare to expand your racing horizons when GT5 is released proper!

Read more on this topic: Gran Turismo 5 Karting Videos, 18-Megapixel Screenshots

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