Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blog or Video?

Should you post a blog or a video? What to post next for your next bit of online material? I want to post this blog entry to help you make the decision as to whether to make a blog post, a video blog (vlog), or both. How do you choose? Let me try to help you out here. I always try to help people out as best as I can with things. I hope this deal will be no different to you all.

I thought about this topic a bit from my blogging friend, HitomiNeko. She asked her Followers on Twitter if she should do a blog post or a video next. I thought about posting this blog post to help not only HitomiNeko, but also anyone else who is reading my blog and want my opinions on this topic.

--- Blog or Video? ---
Do you know why I initially wanted to start a blog? Besides admitting in the past about blogging for money (a long time ago), the real reason why I wanted to start a blog was because I felt more comfortable typing up material and sharing material in a website rather than post a video. I ultimately joined YouTube, where I would share thoughts in detail under my YouTube channel, JohnMarineTube.

So how do you decide between posting in a blog, posting a video, or both? The biggest factor relates to what way you can best express something to a general audience. What makes blogs and videos successful? Quality content. Quality content isn't easy because you have to deliver it in a way that will generate buzz among the general public-at-large. Anyone can literally blog about anything. Anyone can literally make a video about anything. What works for you may not work for others, however. I think anyone who even cares about having a successful video channel or blog should strongly consider delivering the content in a powerful and useful manner.

As an analogy, some of you may have read my blog post called "NewsFix Review," where I reviewed the whole NewsFix format for CW39 here in Houston. The relevant point I want to make this blog post is that in my review of NewsFix, I noted that there's a reason why there are anchors and reporters- there is content to digest, but there is an exact science of delivering content to the masses. This same area of concern in delivering material to the masses goes for blog posts and/or videos. How do you prove your point(s) best? What methods can you employ to effectively deliver your point(s)? Here is the quick answer- both methods are effective, but it all comes down to how BEST you can prove your point(s) making either or both a blog and/or a video.

Blog or Video? Answer: Blog!

The reason why you post a blog entry is because you want people to see what you have to say through the means of static pictures (or some animated pictures) and text. I think blogging can be more effective for one key reason- search traffic. Blogging is very text-driven. The ability for users to effectively find your content through search terms lends itself to giving your blog more sufficient traffic.

Facts about me- I am NOT a formal writer, and I don't consider myself a good reader either. However, I know people would rather spend their time reading material. So I post blog entries. I'm more comfortable typing up things. Sometimes, I say that I often type up things that magically become blog posts when I'm done. The same is what I am doing right here in this blog post. I will ultimately type up a bunch of stuff and proofread before posting online.

I would recommend blogging for two reasons- search engine traffic and the fact you don't need a lot of resources to view content. The only exception, however, is if you have a bunch of Javascript or Flash material dominating what you are trying to mention. I think fashion bloggers are a great example of expressing things through blogs as opposed to video.

Blog or Video? Answer: Video!

The reason why you do a video is because a video can provide an experience that no blog post, regardless of how well written/typed, can ever replicate or explain. A video sometimes works better than typing up a blog post. Videos can help you share something no set of typed words can ever express in vivid detail. Those who don't like typing up material are usually the ones who best express themselves through videos.

Someone who would benefit from making videos as opposed to blogging (for example) would be someone who does some how-to videos. A how-to video on something that could benefit from video footage rather than a bunch of pictures and text. Videos can also be helpful for those in fashion and beauty. Think of established beauty experts on YouTube like fafinettex3, bubzbeauty, MichellePhan, kandeejohnson, and people like that. These are things to think about if you are leaning towards making videos as opposed to blog posts.

Blog or Video? Answer: Both!

You are sometimes better off doing a little of both. I recommended to the YouTube channel, thatjapanesegirl, that she should post a video followed by making a blog post explaining the video in better detail. Doing a video and a blog post is the best method to provide the ultimate explanation of a concept. It gives people two ways to understand what you are trying to say. People can watch your video, do some reading of your material, or both. The main point of online content is to express points in your own way. I don't recommend you do both a blog and a video unless you are willing to make both experiences as expressive and as complete as possible. You don't want to do both often, though. Just find the best method of expressing yourself depending on the applications and methods you wish to employ.

Some bloggers do both blog posts and videos. One example I will use here is Really Petite. Annie of "Really Petite" offers fashion knowledge for petites through blogging. At times, she does provide video input. To show you the impact of what blogging and

Never mind if you care about seeing a fashion blog or not, just visit this blog post as an educational example of what I am trying to express. This blog post is an example of making both a blog post that includes a video from the blog post's creator. So have a look:

"My Chanel Handbag Collection (Video)" on Really Petite

From the blog post, Annie expresses her points nicely. The combination of her blog post and her complimentary video helps Annie to express her points properly. She uses the video to provide tangible and believable content. She doesn't half-heartedly do a blog post and half-heartedly do a video; Annie expresses herself brilliantly in both her blog and her video. This is something to consider if you think both a blog post and a video. When you do your blog post, express your material properly. When you do your video, try to provide video material to please your viewers. Most importantly... provide links to both material. In your video description, link back to the blog post of yours that features the video. In your blog, embed your video (if you allow embedding). Videos that are not embedded should be provided with a link to the video. The best method is to provide quality material in both the blog post and the video. Don't compromise.

Some people, however, are not too keen on making videos. If you want recommended reading to help you with being more confident in making and posting videos, please read "YouTube Motivation" here on John's Blog Space.

--- In Case HitomiNeko is Reading This (Bonus Section!)... ---
I basically did this post for you, but also to help others who are undecided between posting a blog or a video online. My intent is usually to help someone in particular out while also helping out those who may require some sort of help or guidance. I hope this helps for you and anyone else who may be reading this blog post. I don't have the answer to every question, but I hope I can provide my own input as much as I can.

To all of my readers... if you want to visit HitomiNeko's blog, please visit: *~ HitomiNeko ~* * * Lovely Things in my life * * *.

I hope this helps you out on deciding between blogging and vlogging. Thank you for reading!

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