Monday, October 10, 2011


(UPDATED: January 25, 2012)

Cats have been my favorite animals for most of my life. I've been fond of cats since childhood. There's just something about them that just really makes me like them. Maybe I liken cats as being intelligent creatures, always curious and ambitious, able to stand their own ground, are very agile and adaptive... there is just something to love about cats. Much as I've done with rabbits and horses previously... it is time I blog about cats.

Hello to all the cat lovers out there reading John's Blog Space!


JAN 24 2012 - added new section featuring pictures of cats. This was to help bring more views to this post.

--- Cats in Pictures and Videos ---

I understand the importance of establishing a positive atmosphere, so I want to do nothing more than offer a positive and fun place for which to discuss a topic like this. Do you love cats? I hope this blog post will warm your heart. This is dedicated to all of you who love cats. I hope you will be able to enjoy all that I have to provide for all of you.

I know there are people who would rather prefer dogs over cats. Often times, I get jaded about always hearing about vicious dogs being involved attacking people as well as other dogs. How often do you hear of violent cats (except for the ferocious cats, like panthers, tigers, lions, etc.)? It's almost as if people tend to dislike cats so much that they usually have them neglected. Again- there are lots more people who'd rather have dogs than cats, but as a cat lover, cats need the own time in the spotlight.

What Do Cats Signify to/for People?

I don't know my cat breeds too well and what makes them different. You have cat types like Scottish Folds, tabbies, and cats like that. Many nations have such felines in their coat of arms, on their flag, or even as icons of a city or nation. Having such fierce felines (especially lions) usually signify power and wisdom. The use of such felines mean many things to many people in many applications.

If you're a sports fan, you've heard of lots of feline-nicknamed teams. For example... the Cincinnati Bengals, Jacksonville Jaguars, Detroit Lions, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Bobcats, Detroit Tigers, University of Houston Cougars, LSU Tigers, University of Pittsburgh Panthers, University of Kentucky Wildcats, Western Carolina Catamounts, Tuskegee University Golden Tigers, and teams like that. Even sports teams can appreciate the ferocity and character felines have. Even here in Houston, we are sometimes called the Wildcat City, and us Houstonians are sometimes called Wildcatters. Wildcatters was one of the nicknames that was considered to name the team eventually called... the Houston Texans of the NFL. So even sports teams can appreciate feline mascots and nicknames and what each represents.

This blog post is my virtual salute to cats. So be proud to be here for this post on John's Blog Space, especially if you love cats! What you will see mostly is of videos dedicated to all of you cat lovers out there. This post contains everything from cute kittens to some more fierce felines. Cats of all kinds? I gots 'em, yo! :)

--- Cat Pictures ---

(ADDED: January 24, 2012)
Because of poor view count, I decided to add a section to include pictures to get more views to this blog post. Here now are some cat pictures that I'm sure you'll love if you're a cat fan. These are all based on Google Image searches. Let me know if I can not use the images in question, and I will replace them with others.

cute kitty looking up
^ from: - This adorable kitten looks like he/she wants a cuddle. Want to cuddle this cutie of a kitten?

cats cuddling
^ from: - Two cats cuddling each other.

cat in the snow
^ from: - This cat loves snow!

I hope you enjoyed these pictures! I may add more in future edits.

--- Cat Videos ---

I usually show videos and pictures whenever I do posts like this. However, I will only feature videos to set the tone for this blog post. Your connection may slow down with all of these videos I've found. I do hope you get to enjoy these videos in showcasing cats.

Thanks to all the YouTube channels that allowed for embedding. If there are must-see videos that are not embedded, I will add links to the videos so you can view them privately. I am careful not to feature videos of cats in potentially dangerous situations. The point of these videos is to showcase them in an entertaining and fun manner. This is all supposed to be lighthearted and fun.

Cats Meowing and Talking.

A cat's meow is its cry. We have no idea what a cat is trying to say when we hear "meow." It can be, however, quite cute to hear. These are videos showcasing cats speaking up to the world in their own special way. Enjoy the following videos.

• Strawberry
Meet Strawberry. Strawberry has the most beautiful meow I've ever heard. You might agree after you listen to her meow beautifully in this video:

• Baby Kitten Meowing
Ever heard a baby kitten meow? You will after seeing this. I remember seeing this video a long time ago on YouTube. This was back actually when I started watching mostly cat videos. The meowing this kitty does is rather muffled, but you can still find plenty of value in hearing this adorable kitty meow:

• Tiger Cub Meowing
Before growing up to being a ferocious feline, check out tiger cubs. This is what a baby tiger is like:

• Multiple Meows!
Here is a feline symphony of meowing. Enjoy this bit of video cuteness showcasing cats both young and old meowing to the camera:

Hope you enjoyed these videos!

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Cats at Play.

You have to admit, cats can be such active little creatures! These videos showcase cats playing around as well as cats playing with people. Heart-warming is guaranteed with these.

• Munchkin Cat
I've seen this video several times from other YouTube channels, but this video does it best. This kitty is so cute that it couldn't have had a better background song to equal this cat's cuteness. It actually matches the mood and style of this video. It's not like some videos where somebody takes something cute or happy, then decides to put in some annoying music that completely ruins the mood. Listen to the song and see this super-cute munchkin cat in action. This personally takes me back to my younger days being on YouTube:

• Tickle, Tickle, Tickle!
This kitty is loads of fun as this person plays with this kitty:

• Big Cat with Baby Kittens
One eight-month old cat is accompanied by as many as five adorable baby kittens. Please take a look at this one to enjoy the cuteness of these six cats:

Feline Fun... and Other Cat-Related Awesomeness. :)

These are semi-random videos about cats. They are sure to make you laugh or make you think, "what the heck?"

• I Are Cute Kitten!
Nalts came along with this old video that has eight-figure views. This kitten is obviously cute if it is such a cute kitty. See why this is such a highly-viewed video:

• Cat vs. Rabbit
Cute kitten, cute bunny. Twice the cute for you. Check out these two at play. The sound was audioswapped with a song, so you don't get to hear these two at play. You can still mute the sound and just enjoy the cat playing with this bunny:

Aren't they cute? :)

• Baby Lion
Michele Guzy plays with a baby lion. This little lion may not be Simba, but see this feline (also accompanied by a dog) just shows you how fierce even a baby lion can be:

Cats of Honorable Mention.

I believe you know this kitten quite well. The other one, however, may be a bit foreign to you since the other is so well-known. Here's the only key word I will provide: Sanrio. Meet one of the most famous cats in the world, and also meet another fictional cat:

^ Hello Kitty

^ Charmmy Kitty (the cute white hamster in this video is named Sugar, by the way)

(I had actually planned to post a blog about Hello Kitty. I still haven't ruled out making one eventually.)

That concludes this video-driven post regarding cats.

--- Are YOU a Cat Lover? ---

If you love cats, I hope these videos have helped put a smile on your face. Here are a few resources if you love cats. Feel free to visit these sites and get more cat love:

Here are two of the most popular YouTube channels devoted to cats:
thecatdiaries on YouTube
ShallAdoreCats on YouTube

And these are various other cat-related sites:
Kitten Pictures - Cute Little Kittens
Cats on
*~ HitomiNeko ~* * * Lovely Things in my life * * * ("Neko" is cat in Japanese)

I may provide more links in edits. Let me know if there are any I should feature. Remember- help me help my readers/visitors. I don't blog for myself; I do this for everybody. So PLEASE help if you can and if you'd like to.

Thank you for reading! Meow! (=^o^=)

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