Thursday, December 22, 2011

John's Corner: Recent Rough Times

Welcome to John's Corner! What was a page is now going to be a category of blog posts where it is just me talking to you. These posts primarily relate to how I am doing and what I am up to lately. I invite all of my readers to check out my material. If you would like to comment, please do so. But if I get more suspicious spam material than material from loyal visitors, then I will disallow any and all comments to my "John's Corner" posts.

Recent Blogging Struggles.

Recent times have been fairly rough for me blogging. I am not sure if it is because of the Christmas season or if it's something else, but my views and involvement have been declining the past few days. And also, two spammers sent suspicious comments to John's Blog Space (both blocked) after a long while of not getting as many spam comments. It is almost as if people have stopped caring about my blog. Am I not good enough, as I previously blogged about long ago? Is there just not as many people viewing my blog (or maybe others' blogs as well)? Whatever the case, I am going through the motions again.

I usually used to get 3K views daily at the real height of my blog's popularity. Then, I would be fortunate to be north of 2K views daily. My range of daily blog hits later became in the 1.5K to 2K range. Now for the past few days, it has been a few days since my blog has surpassed 1.5K hits. As if I need any more reminders that 2011 has been a mostly disappointing year for me personally, this just adds to my dismay. It would be pathetic to end 2011 this way.

Rekindled Interest in YouTube.

Also... I have redeveloped interest in returning to doing YouTube videos. Part of my shift from YouTube to blogging was because I lost my desire and determination to do videos. But recently, I have redeveloped interest and have considered coming up with videos on certain topics. Anyone who knows of my YouTube channel know what my videos are about- anything and everything. "JohnMarineTube" is the name of my YouTube channel. I use a combination of JMTube and blogging to express points. If I return to YouTube, I'll return the moment I make a great-enough video worth releasing.

Where Are the Loyal Readers/Visitors?

Here is just one last note for my loyal readers- I hate picking up spam comments. These are people who post on any blog site any suspicious links or absolutely nothing pertaining to the actual topic itself. Any comment that just sounds like spam will be shot down. That's why I always want loyal readers to actually share thoughts and share my blog posts with others. It makes no sense to have so many people visit my blog but have only so few comment with useful (non-spam, non-suspicious) comments. I just can't get more involvement and fans seems like. It just saddens me. Almost makes me feel like I am posting all of this material... for nothing. It is almost as if some people have just have stopped believing in me and this blog.

And not to sound rude or sarcastic, but... at least spammers get involved with my material and post accordingly. I dislike spam commenters (as does anyone else who passionately post material for others to enjoy), but at least they post their thoughts on my material even though I don't appreciate their suspicious comments. My blog could be much better if I could get some more HUMAN support from loyal readers and loyal visitors. Just sayin'...

So please- show your support for my work and comment on anything that interests you on John's Blog Space! Help restore my sanity and my confidence by commenting on my material and getting involved with material I post. Subscribe to this blog. "Like" my Facebook fan page. Just show me (in some way) you care about me and my work! Thank you for reading!

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