Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What's So Funny?

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Please see my video: "What's So Funny?"

When your video isn't supposed to be funny in any kind of way, getting a comment like "LOL" is mostly to make fun of you. I did a video talking about how much I've missed Greg Moore when he was killed at the CART season finale at California Superspeedway in 1999. Someone posted a comment saying "I lold" or something like that. Like, what the hell is supposed to be so funny when there are no jokes or when nothing was meant to be funny? Now if you're trying to tell a joke, that's understandable. But if you're just saying this like I look funny or talk funny, that's basically an insult. And if people think making fun of me is more than important than staying out of trouble on YouTube, then all I can do is block people.

It's true. People have said all kinds of things about me. I'm more like the kind of person that's the butt of most people's jokes. Here is a comment I once received about one of my videos:

"Lol in a negative way :)" -undisclosed screenname

I know I appreciate comments, but I don't accept hate. Someone once had the nerve to flood ten of my videos with racist and foul comments, four of my blog entries with more racism, and even shown his racist self to me in an IM session on Facebook. I've made a habit online of negating haters. It's not because I only want to meet people who only agree with whatever I say, but it's because I don't want haters ruining my material. It's okay not to like me for any reason, but just don't REMIND me. I do report racists and haters on YouTube and elsewhere. So if making fun of me is more important than staying out of trouble online, go right ahead and show your hate.

So one last time... what's so funny?

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