Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eco-Friendly Fashion

(UPDATE: October 15, 2011)

NOTE: Visit my secondary blog to shop for eco-friendly fashions featured in this blog entry along with other items. Click on that graphic to visit my secondary blog for many more eco-friendly fashions for males and females.

Sapphire Blue, Royal Blue, and Pure Gold are my official colors; but this is a green blog entry. You want to look good, but don't want to hurt the environment in the process. There's lots of eco-friendly fashions. Now before you consider blasting me on this, I'll have you know... I am no tree-hugger. Some fashions were purely designed with making items that doesn't hurt the environment or (more importantly) animals. This blog entry contains a variety of eco-friendly fashions for both males and females You'll see what I have to come up with as this blog entry continues.

The name "eco-friendly" is the umbrella term for green fashions for this blog entry. Other such names used include eco-fashion, sustainable fashion, green fashion, guilt-free, ethical fashion. Still, you know what this blog entry is about.

This blog entry is my Earth Day contribution. Here are a few items that will be discussed in this blog entry in regards to this topic:

• organic cotton
• sustainable apparel
• vegan footwear


OCT 15 2011 - made some simple edits

--- Eco-Friendly Clothing at a Glance ---

Most environmentally-friendly fashions are the result of using reusable materials and materials that don't make a dent on the environment. What these designers try to do is to show that you CAN make great fashions without having to use a lot of materials harmful to the environment to make your clothes.

Here are seven reasons why sustainable fashion is better (source:
1. It's better for the Earth.
2. It's better for people.
3. It's better for animals.
4. It lasts longer.
5. It's more personal.
6. It's easier (and cheaper) to take care of your clothes.
7. It's more than just organic.

You can read more on WHY these were selected by reading Why You Should Care About Sustainable Fashion from

Let's look at some eco-friendly fashions (or eco-fashion):

dogeared reusable tote
^ from: - Here is a reusable tote featuring, of all things... Mother Earth. The tote says, "listen to your mother."

No More Fashion Victims Tee
^ from: - The "fashion victims" are mostly the harmful materials and the killed animals used to make certain clothes.

Save the Future
^ from: - Here is an eco-friendly T-shirt that has been painted using water-based, eco-friendly ink. The shirt was designed by Katharine Hamnett.

vegan ankle boots
^ from: - These are vegan ankle boots worn by this vegan female.

If you would like more insight in eco-friendly fashions, has provided an episode regarding eco-friendly fashions. Please check out this video below:

^ "Earth-Friendly Fashions," from WhoWhatWear

NOTE: The rest of this blog entry contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

--- Eco-Friendly Clothing: American Apparel (Honorable Mention) ---

This section is where I pay Honorable Mention to American Apparel as one of the premier designers. They are sweatshop-free and practice environmentally friendly practices. And of course, who hasn't heard of American Apparel or seen their fashions? Use my widget below to find many fashions from American Apparel.

Here's a fun fact for you... American Apparel was founded in Canada before moving to Los Angeles.

One YouTube channel loves American Apparel. Meet the popular YouTube channel, OnchTV and this video:

^ "Onch loves American Apparel" (warning: some foul language)

SPECIAL NOTE: On John's Shop Space (one of my alternative blogs), I have found many more American Apparel fashions for you. If you're interested in shopping for American Apparel items on Amazon, click on the graphic below:

John's Shop Space

Now you have some vegan influence. I want to point you towards eco-friendly fashions on Amazon now. This will consist of environmentally-friendly fashion and vegan footwear.

Visit my secondary blog for more eco-friendly fashions (and updated content). Or, just check out what I've included below. Some of the items after the Jump Break may not be available any longer, so PLEASE click on the image below to shop for eco-friendly fashion items:

...or, you may click on items in these widgets to find some eco-friendly items you might like. Please read "An Important Amazon Note" in the sidebar for more information concerning Amazon items.

For reusable totes (from BAGGU):

For eco-friendly clothing:

For Trinity Environmental Friendly:

For eco-friendly shoes:

For hemp footwear:

Thank you for reading and Happy Earth Day! Even if it isn't Earth Day, feel free to shop green! :D

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