Thursday, February 3, 2011

When is the Right Time?

When is the right time to announce your love and commitment to the one you love most? I hear so much of couples who are together, go dating... but never want to the level of marriage or wanting to start a family together or grow old together. I guess one of the factors to this is that you simply aren't fully ready or confident in wanting to get married. That's perfectly fine. Take your time and don't rush into things. There will likely a time where there someone in your life who you think really matters to you and that you lovingly want to commit to for a long time. Thing is... you just don't know when is the right time to fully commit. You don't want to wait too long, however, to where you fear losing the one you love most to some other guy/girl. Almost kind of like you want to "claim" your lover before someone else steals him/her away from you.

Also, you have to take into consideration how old you are and where you are in school and such. You do have your childhood and High School sweethearts that still love each other to this day. Not every relationship is this much a perfectly happy one, as you are aware. There are some who get into relationships as fairly young teenagers. Some even to the point of teen marriage. Then too, think of some of the much older people (35 and older) whom have never married or were previously married. When is the time right to be back "on the market" and go dating or getting married again?

Maybe you broke up with someone or had your lover pass away or get killed (my deepest apologies and prayers to you if this has happened to you). Maybe you divorced or are a widow. When is that right time to get back into finidng love (if you want to get back into finding love)?

So when do you think is the best time to commit to the one you love most or want to be with? When do you feel is the best time to go on bended knee and propose to the one you most love? When does constantly dating finally go into wanting to commit and fall in love with that special someone in your life? When is that right time?

Comment away with sensible comments if this topic interests you!

Online Resources/Advice.

Here are a few links asking (and answering) the question of "when is the right time?" when it comes to certain love questions. They are not the best answers to these questions, but they provide a little guidance to help you out:

* When is the right time to date?
* When is the right time to propose?
* When is the right time to get married?
* When is the right time to start a family?
* When is the right time to date again after breaking up?
* When is the right time to date again after divorce/death (of a loved one)?

Again, these are answers to questions from other sources with other peoples' insight. You don't necessarily have to trust these sources as gospel to help you with your issues. More of these links may be provided.

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