Monday, June 6, 2011

All I Have Left

Some people put lots of trust and love to others because... they are all some people have. Think of great friends who are like family, though not blood family members. Think of people who serve as good friends for those who don't have friends to fall on. I thought about this topic when one of my Facebook friends mentioned one of her friends as being the only thing close to family that she has left. It made me think about being thankful that people are generous and helpful enough to take in people and care for them with all of our hearts. So this blog post is dedicated to people in our lives in which when we feel like we have no one else to turn to for help and/or support, there were certain people whom have stepped up to become heroes and support in our toughest times. For when everyone else didn't care or didn't care enough, there are those who we most look up for love and support because... they are all that we have left.

Long-time readers may have remembered I made a blog post called "If I Have Ever Inspired You...," where I express my thoughts on those whose lives I may have positively influenced. For some people, I have been such an inspiration that certain people see people like me as the truest friend they have.

All I Have Left: Positives of Trust.

I think when someone feels like all they have is just one person as a friend and as support, it becomes sad that there is no one else available for support. However, one should be thankful that someone has gone out of their way to be a good friend or like a family member. A lot of people believe in the saying that "friends are family that we choose."

All I Have Left: Negatives of Trust.

There is one other issue to putting your trust into one person- does that person take you for granted? Maybe I watch too many daytime talk shows, but I often hear of someone taking in someone as a loyal friend, and then "re-pay" that person by taking advantage of someone, usually by cheating on his/her lover or one of his/her friends. This alone can make putting your trust in someone be something to help you feel happy that someone cares; but it can also set you up for some sort of shock especially when you learn of one's possible underhanded ways.

What About When Those We Have Left Are Gone or Betrayed Our Trust?

Then... we're back to feeling like we have no one to turn to. It is a feeling like the world turns on you, and that you can never trust anyone anymore. You almost have to find new people who are willing to help you out in your time(s) of need. Imagine feeling like nobody cares about you or wants to make you feel better in your tough times. Also, imagine such people electing to let you handle your issues alone rather than offer a helping hand.

To everyone who stepped out of their way to be someone certain people can look up to, I commend all of you. I'm talking about people like (but not limited to):

• non-family members who are like family
• friends who stepped up when other friends failed to uphold trust and honor
• trusted figures who mean so much to others who don't have a central figure to trust
• friends who serve as heroes for people who lack a hero in their lives
• people whom have worked to take care of people (whether through health or financially) who help to make life easier for others

I am not going to say I am anyone's real hero. Just that when you feel like all you have is one or a few people who you can most look up to, I would at least be thankful you have these people to look up to for inspiration and support. If you have nobody else in your life to look up to, at least it is refreshing there are people who really do care. Life could be truly unfair to where we don't need to rely on other people to get through life. And you would be right- we don't need other people to help us get through life. However, when we are down, you would at least appreciate the support of others (unless you have a healthy dislike of wanting others to help you)? To put it another way... you can't go canoeing all by yourself. You need [at least one] partner to help you if you're canoeing. Going through life alone is like canoeing without a partner. You can't be pointed in the right direction while canoeing unless at least one person is helping steer you in the correct direction.

Some people feel so isolated from others that we have only one or multiple people we can really look up to. If all we have left are these trusted individuals, I feel it is better that we have these certain individuals in our lives than no one at all. We should be thankful that there are people in our lives willing to go out of their way to help make life better for others for those who don't have anyone to turn to for help and guidance. As long as the people we put our trust in are trustworthy and trusting, we can be assured and thankful that life is made just a bit easier thanks in part to the one(s) who help make life easier and more promising for others. When others couldn't care less, the ones we have left to look up to have been there to help us and help make life better.

I salute those of you who are like family and heroes for those who otherwise don't have people to look up to for support. Or at least, those who don't have someone to truly look up to and trust for support and love.

Thank you for reading!

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