Thursday, June 16, 2011

No Need to Riot

I don't watch hockey much, but I'm probably sure you've heard by now that the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup for the 2010-2011 season with a convincing 4-0 victory. How did some fans take it? Not very kindly, to put it mildly. I did not see a single second of the match last night. All I do know is that it was completely unnecessary. The Canucks lost; not the fans. So why did some fans insist on rioting in Vancouver? To be honest, the fans who decided that rioting was better than cheering on their hometown hockey team are even bigger losers than the Canucks. It makes absolutely no sense to start such a riot.

Here is a video for you to check out, courtesy of ABC News International:

The frustration is understandable- "why did my team lose like this?" You win some, you lose some. If your team loses, why take your frustrations out by damaging city property and causing a ruckus all because a sports team loses? My Houston Astros of today seem to fail almost every time they take the baseball field, but do you see Astros fans rioting after losing game after game? People just need to chill out.

I get blog hits from Vancouver and the Vancouver area, but I just have to say that it is truly terrible of certain Vancouver fans by showing your frustration of your team losing by rioting. Rioting after a loss like Vancouver took to Boston only makes things worse. It is perfectly fine to cheer on your team to your heart's content. It is okay to show your passion for your favorite team however you please. However, there is a difference between passion and just being a knucklehead. Passion in being a sports fan means that you cheer for your favorite team as much as you can regardless of the final outcome. Being a knucklehead sports fan means that when all is going wrong, you feel your best option to voice your true feelings is by taking your frustrations out on property, other people, and things like that. Did you play in the game? Are fans responsible for a loss when the actual team just didn't show up? Fans are there to cheer on a team to victory, not tear up the city just because a team loses.

When you go thinking it's okay to riot just because your team loses, not only does the sports team lose, the fans and the city show themselves as losers. It only makes a team losing feel even worse. Unruly sports fans only make a loss seem worse than it really is. You win with class; you lose with class. Why give a beautiful city like Vancouver such an ugly image by voicing your displeasure with your team losing by rioting? It just doesn't make any sense.

All congratulations to the Boston Bruins on winning the Stanley Cup for the 2010-2011 season. What do you make of fans rioting like Vancouver did? Feel free to comment. Thank you for reading!

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