Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Would Be Your Dream Wedding?

(UPDATED: February 18, 2012)

Weddings don't have to be boring. Some wedding planners consider doing all kinds of different things to make weddings memorable and exciting. They don't have to take place at a church. Weddings don't have to be about going to some church, going through the different marriage sayings, kiss, jump the broom, go down the aisle, have lunch, then sleep the rest of the night happily in love. Many people have their own plans for weddings. You have beach weddings, country weddings, Goth weddings, and things like that. You even have weddings with certain themes to them. So I ask you... what would be YOUR dream wedding?

I'll chat about a few kinds of weddings, as much as I know about them, anyways. Again... I have NOTHING against a regular wedding at a church or whatever. This concerns multiple kinds of weddings.

PERSONAL NOTE: Thanks to all of you for keeping this post popular! Links to other content will be provided in this update.

NOTE: This blog entry contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item or even purchase these items if you so choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.


FEB 18 2012 - edited majority of post

--- Beach Weddings ---

beach wedding
^ from: - Holy matrimony can happen on the shores of love. Do you fancy a beach wedding?

I think beach weddings can be quite fun. I think there's a romantic quality to beach weddings. Think of this as a love message: "I chose to marry you on a beach because when I'm with you, I am in paradise." Then envision the beach waters washing at your feet as being drowned in love. So I can see the appeal of beach weddings. Go find a lovely tropical settings and take a walk on the sand happily in love!

I thought about doing a blog entry on barefoot sandals. I've found these to be popular most with beach weddings. In case you don't know how they look, here is an example:

{~~~ replacement picture coming soon ~~~}
^ from: ??? - Barefoot sandals for the beach.

If you need beach wedding supplies and things, here is a widget I have set up for you to browse around:

--- Country/Western Wedding ---

country Western wedding
^ from: (I honestly could not find a better picture to use to represent this section.) - Get hitched country style to the love of your life, and ride off into the sunset.

When most brides proudly wear beautiful lace dresses, there are those country divas who want to wear some lovely denim bride dresses or some lacy bride dresses. Some country girls even want a lovely cowboy hat to wear. And instead of a beautiful pair of pumps or sandals, they choose a cute pair of white cowboy boots. Grooms got to look good too, you know! Maybe the best thing about country/western weddings is riding off into the sunset with that beautiful country girl.

Planning a country wedding? Why not check out these items from Amazon?

--- Goth Weddings ---

Goth wedding
^ from: - If you don't believe in pretty, cutesy weddings; try getting hitched Goth style.

Wearing white? Flowers? I'm sure there are a lot of Goth types who'd say "f*ck that!" While I'm not all into the surreal subculture of anything even close to Goth or rock, there are those who would rather have a real kind of love with beautifully expressive dresses and outfits. While surreal and sublime to most people, true love is understandable in any language or culture (or subculture). These are all about dark colors, spiders, skulls, and all kinds of other deadly or scary stuff.

Goth wedding stuff can be found on Amazon through this widget. Find something you like:

--- What [Would Be] MY Dream Wedding? ---

In preparing this blog entry, I was looking at a few different wedding themes. One theme I liked was a celestial theme. My material is characterized by two different themes: blue and gold, and stars and space. So it would be pretty cool to have a celestial-themed wedding to be consistent with stars and space.

Why a celestial wedding? Here are some literary reasons why... the love of your life is as beautiful as the stars and the heavens. Your bride's smile is as beautiful as the moon and glows like the moon. Everything beautiful about her is its own galaxy. So while God created an amazing universe we all live in, your bride (as us guys are concerned) is the most beautiful heavenly being anywhere. So what better way to share true love than to be with someone who shines as beautifully and as brightly as the sun? I guess you can say that I would want to marry that girl who completes my universe. Both of us are the stars and the planets. When we're together, our love shines like the sun and completes a beautiful universe. All I need is that shining star in my life.

Regardless, there are many ways to have a wedding. The key point is that a wedding is a wedding is a wedding. True love is true love no matter how it is expressed. No matter what your idea of a dream marriage is like, at least you have a way to express it. At least you have a way to express holy matrimony. If you're engaged or about to be engaged (or have you popped the question yet?), congratulations to you. All the best to you if you are currently married.

So what would be YOUR dream wedding? What would be the theme? What would be your dream situation (for example: fireworks go off in the sky outside when the soon-to-be-married couple kisses, and the Blue Angels fly over)?

If I do a YouTube video on this topic, I'd post the video here. Until next time, take care!

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