Friday, February 5, 2010

Peace of Mind

I like to give people peace of mind in knowing that life can be harsh. When it seems like nothing ever goes right for people, it feels good knowing that someone's generousity is helping to make things better for you. Think about when times are slow. Think about when nobody wants to share anything fun. The kindness of others helps make people feel better, even if only temporary. When I did my YouTube video on this issue, I expressed that I want the best for people.

--- Giving Peace of Mind ---
When peace of mind is given to people, it is a feeling in which work IS appreciated rather than being left for dead. I sometimes need to bring confidence to myself considering all that goes on in this world. Think about it:

* Nobody wants to fall in love with others anymore.
* Nobody wants to get married to someone anymore.
* Nobody wants to have children anymore.

But thanks to friends of mine, I'm at least happy at the news of love, marriage, and/or becoming parents. There are people who make videos and blog entries and don't really get as much respect. Maybe some material just isn't all that good to people, but if I see something I like, I'll give my full credit. I'll want to friend and subscribe to good YouTube channels. I follow blogs that I like (Blogspot ones, at least). I think any YouTube channel or any blog has the potential to be world-class without question. Even if someone's YouTube channel or blog isn't meant to be the hottest online, I at least give them the motivation and support as if they were heavyweights in blogging or in making YouTube videos. I want people to prosper. A great way to start is to give people chances. Give people hope. Life is very short to be some insignificant nobody. Too many people become disregarded.

Take my YouTube channel and this blog for instance. I'm getting sufficient traffic and getting a good amount of views. I have just over 240 subscribers on YouTube (as of this blog entry). While I should be happy, I think I can do much better. However, I am thankful of the support I do have from the general online public. The most important thing to me is in making sure other people feel happy and content. I do like to joke around and have fun with people. But one thing is more important to me when around friends- the safety and well-being of others. Again, I don't want people to struggle in life. Everyone deserves a chance to make the most out of life without having to continually face adversity. All I want for people is happiness and hope.

--- Challenges! ---
Try to give some people peace of mind for their work. Here are my challenges to you...

Peace of Mind Challenge: YouTube.
Look for a channel you've never heard of (including my channel, JohnMarineTube. You may also search for a YouTube channel that isn't getting many views or subscribers. If you like the content put out by that channel, subscribe to that channel and request to be friends with that channel. Be sure to give that channel and its videos a chance. There may be something you may not like, but just look for something positive to draw from it. If you like the material, show your appreciation by subscribing, friending that channel, offering kind comments, and things like that.

Why am I posing this challenge? It's because (pardon my choice of words) YouTube has too many damned haters. There are lots of people willing to post any kind of racist or sexist consense, but not enough people willing to give channels a chance. Why do you think my YouTube channel struggles to get views? To be fair, my channel is more like a fairly good B movie. Not everyone's going to love my content, but at least my content is relevant and likeable. You will always have your favorite big-name channels, but at least make someone feel happy knowing that you appreciate one's minor or non-major channel as much as any YouTube heavyweight.

Peace of Mind Challenge: Blogging.
Here is my blog challenge to you bloggers and blog lovers. Look for a new blog you may have not seen before or even one you think could get more followers and get more traffic than it's really getting. That's even if you think my blog is underappreciated. Get involved with the blog. If you're on Blogspot like I am, follow a good blog with Google Friend Connect. If you have money and want to do some online shopping, and if they have Google Adsense or if they are signed up with Amazon Associates (like I am), check out that person's links and store items. You don't have to do this, but at least it's a way of showing that you appreciate a person's work. Some people live off of their blogs or any other online material. So it's nice to know that people can honestly profit from their hard work.

The main point of this challenge is on acknowledgement and respect for one's blog. People can sleep easier at night knowing that people care about their work.

Peace of Mind Challenge: Helping Others.
Think of people who have their own legitimate problems. I've gotten to know people who have some problems or some disputes in their lives. See if you can help people feel better. Or try looking for people who could benefit from having a caring friend. Life is tough, but it doesn't have to be lived alone. Try to help someone out with their issues. Be a special friend to that person. Do it because you're a great person with a great heart, and also because you want that person to live a happier and healthier life. This can involve people on the Internet and away from cyberspace.

Anything you can do to help people feel better and feel like their work is appreciated, do whatever you can to show your immense support. It's better than being a careless punk or an ungrateful soul. So make yourself a better person and give a new YouTube channel or blog a chance. Open your eyes; open your heart. The world can't be a happy place forever, but you can certainly make one person's world happier. The powers of positivity and generousity can work wonders for people. Simply saying hello to someone or opening a door for someone is just enough to get people's positive energy going. So go give people positivity and hope. It won't hurt you. It will only help others while also making yourself a better person. So go on... give peace of mind to those who most need it!

Please also see my video called "Peace of Mind", if you haven't already.

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