Monday, May 31, 2010

Chocolate Truffles

From the pantry in my house, I've eaten some chocolate truffles for the first time ever. I had a box of truffles initially for my sister-in-law from Morris National. She didn't want them, and the truffles basically rested in the pantry for months and months... until just last night. After having some of these chocolate truffles, I've gotten to taste what makes these candies so sweet and indulgent. The pack of truffles I've had consisted of about ten truffles. There were four different kinds of truffles from this pack- Mississippi Mud, peanut butter, french vanilla, and raspberry. I only know one of them from my taste-test. One was DEFINITELY peanut butter. I think the ones I liked most were Mississippi Mud truffles. I just want to say that those truffles were very good! Dark chocolate and gourmet chocolate can be delicious and healthy. So this can help.

These aren't the truffles I've had, but an idea of what chocolate truffles look like:

^ from: - chocolate truffles in a pack.

I named this blog entry as chocolate truffles because most people know of truffle fungi. In addition to chocolate truffles, there are even chocolate truffles with liquor. I am not a smoker or a drinker, so it's VERY rare I discuss tobacco or liquor.

So if you get a chance to eat some chocolate truffles, go try some out! Here are some chocolate truffles on Amazon (please read "An Important Amazon Note" in the sidebar for more information on all Amazon products featured in my blog):

Thanks for reading my blog entry! Enjoy some truffles! :)

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