Thursday, December 3, 2009


(updated 12/4/2009)

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Direct Link: Snow!

Usually, the Texas heat and the Texas sun can become unbearable. Take it from me- I love a cold day more than I do the warm days. I love hot girls :), but I do love cold days. So when the weather forecast called for a possibility of rain AND snow here in Houston, we usually take it like a rare and enjoyable experience. Let me share one time I tried to get into the snow.

--- Snow: Christmas Eve 2004 ---
It was Christmas Eve 2004. I was doing some holiday shopping for my older brother, my stepfather, and my mother. I had enough money to get things for other people. My mother told me to dress warmly because of 32°F temperatures expected for this day. I wore something I rarely leave the house in- sweatpants. I even wore a pair of long johns underneath. I left to go to my grandmother's house when I noticed some flurries falling from the sky. We then set out to Baybrook Mall out in Webster, Texas. The snow would persist for most of the rest of the day, including into the evening and night hours. I was able to get Time Crisis 3 for my stepfather and some game for my brother. I wanted to get a bear from Build-a-Bear Workshop for my mother, but I didn't have enough money. I think I had about $8 USD left, and the bear I was trying to get for her costed about $53.04 USD! Epic fail, right? Still, it was bitter cold. Later on Christmas Eve night, I can remember seeing snow just come on down. It provided a lovely image that I wish Christmas Eve (and even Christmas Day) would be like around here in Houston.

--- Snow: December 10, 2008 ---
Houston braced itself for snow last year. Nearly three months after Hurricane Ike's devastation to the Houston area, it was time the city of Houston experienced snow. Only difference was that I was looking at it outside rather than getting out into it. Still, it was another lovely sight.

I can see why most people from Frost Belt states come down here to Houston (or to other Southern states) because of not being able to take the snow. It gets very hot down here in Houston. So when you have an event like bitter cold and/or snow here in Houston, at least you know you'd rather have this than the unbearable heat Texas can provide. To all of my Houston-area folks, make sure to take care and be safe out in this upcoming potential snow event. Drive safely, walk safely, take every measure to stay warm... everyone, be careful.

[UPDATE] It's SNOWING here in Houston! I don't have a camera or anything, but I've slowly noticed the snow becoming heavier. What started with flurries has become heavier snowflakes. This is some crazy stuff! That's what I've noticed at 9:40 AM CST here in Houston.

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