Saturday, September 11, 2010


(UPDATED: April 3, 2012)

Spanish-American beauty Charo is best known for her lovely flamenco guitar music and her "Cuchi-cuchi" catchphrase. The 5'4" (meaning she's a Petite, like with my "Sweet Petite!" blog entry) was born on the same calendar day I was born- January 15 from the city of Murcia, Spain. The (born Jan. 15, 1951)-year old (59-year old as of the date of this blog post) is both very entertaining as well as beautiful. Charo is the focus of this blog entry. Charo is easier to remember, unless you know her as María Rosario Pilar Martínez Molina Gutiérrez de los Perales Santa Ana Romanguera y de la Hinojosa Rasten (thanks: Wikipedia).


APR 3 2012 - updated look of post and some other random edits

--- Charo ---

Here are a few pictures of the flamenco guitarist who is also an amazing entertainer:

Charo herself
^ from: - the beautiful Charo.

Charo guitar
^ from:, by way of - Charo knows how to make beautiful flamenco guitar music.

Charo x 3!
^ from: - Three flavors of the delicious Charo.

younger Charo
^ from: - Charo, when she was younger. HOT, right? :)

Charo was someone whom I've come across online one time. I don't know how, but I think my earliest memory of seeing Charo was in a Geico commercial whereas she was translating what someone was saying. What I love most about Charo is her ability to entertain others with her classic humor and with her lovely flamenco guitar playing. One thing I learned about Charo is that she is highly For example, she is strongly against bullfighting, a very popular sport in her native Spain. So she became part of PETA to lead a charge against bullfighting.

Charo: the Entertainer.

Charo is VERY funny and expressive. Her sense of humor is wonderful. She never fails to make me smile or a laugh. Charo remains very youthful and fun despite her age. Her "cuchi cuchi" catchphrase always draws a laugh, so too are her references to her maracas (her breasts). Here are two videos to prove the point that she's funny:

^ (the Geico commercial I first became introduced to Charo)

^ (Charo on football)

^ Charo interview in Las Vegas. Her dress is cute. The white dress with blue dots is kind of like blueberries on whipped cream. Very funny interview!

Other than these, she has been in a vast number of TV shows, even being part of the reality show, "The Surreal Life."

Charo: the Flamenco Guitarist.

While she can draw laughs, she can also immerse you and woo you with her lovely guitar playing. She has an album called "Charo and Guitar." Her music will mystify you and capture your heart. I will feature "Malagueña" in this section. You have two options: (1) listen to and watch her play this song in a video, or (2) listen to that song from a simple audio-only video. Your choice. "Malagueña" is the song I will feature for this section.

^ Charo performing "Malagueña" on The Martha Stewart Show (WARNING: audio mostly playable on the left channel only).

* Charo performing "Malagueña" from her album

--- What Would I Tell Charo (if she were to read this blog post)? ---

I always ask and answer this question about all famous people I feature in my Famous People blog entries. After all, these are people, and they may want to read my material to know how I feel about certain people. Now, onto the question at hand.

Charo, you are a fantastic person, both in entertaining people with your wonderful humor and with your lovely guitar playing. You are incredible at both. Keep up the great work in all of your work and ambitions.

Would I Want to Meet Charo (if given the chance)?

Someone as engaging and as funny as she is, completely want to meet her!

Thank you for reading my blog entry on the beautiful and entertaining Charo. To learn more about Charo, check these links out:

Charo's official website - the #1 Charo Fan Site!
Charo on YouTube

Check out Charo on Amazon if you want to listen to or buy her music, and you can even find some Charo music below:

Thank you for reading!

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