Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stuffed Toys

(UPDATED: March 14, 2012)

Giving stuffed toys can be like giving new friends to others. Think of a guy who gives his girlfriend a cute stuffed animal. Imagine a parent who gives his/her baby or babies a stuffed toy to play with. Whether they are teddy bears or some other stuffed cuddly toy, these are gifts that can capture the hearts of those who receive them. There are kids that love stuffed animals. There are some girls that REALLY love stuffed animals! This blog entry discusses stuffed toys and what they can mean for those who receive these as gifts.

--- Stuffed Toys and What They Mean to Others ---

Money CAN buy you happiness! There isn't a kind of gift that can lift someone's spirits quite like offering a cute stuffed toy to someone. The most common stuffed toys are (of course) teddy bears. Anything from a small teddy bear to a big one can uplift someone's spirits. Some stuffed toys can even be worn as accessories. When such stuffed toys are offered, they can be great fun for those who receive them. It can be like buying someone a new best friend. Of course, money can't buy you friends, but they can buy you some stuffed friends.

--- Stuffed Toys in Pictures ---

Here are examples of cute stuffed toys from around the Internet...

teddy bear heart
^ from: - This teddy bear loves you! What girl WOULDN'T melt or break into happy tears if given this teddy bear?

stuffed eagle
^ from: - When this eagle soars into the sky, it also soars into your heart.

kawaii kitty
^ from: - A very kawaii kitty! Should please any cat lover (like myself).

stuffed bunny
^ from: - This bunny should be dedicated to any shining star in your life.

These stuffed toys can warm anyone's heart. How much so? Imagine hugging and clutching a lovely stuffed animal. Though stuffed toys are made, the most important thing a stuffed toy can make is a best friend. Maybe not a friend whom you can share with the world and introduce to your real friends, but they can be something enjoyable and cute to have.

Of course, there are MANY more stuffed toys of many kinds and sizes. If you'd like to shop for some stuffed toys on Amazon, you have two choices... use a widget or visit John's Shop Space. So do you want to shop on Amazon for stuffed animals, toys, or whatever? I can help you with the widget below. Happy shopping! :)

WARNING: Not all stuffed toys are for all children. Most manufacturers recommend offering these to those 36 months (or 3 years) or older since some of these items can pose health hazards since there are some parts that can come apart. Keep this in mind if shopping for your children.

Use this widget to shop for stuffed toys on Amazon (HINT: change the default search text to "stuffed animals" or "teddy bears" to search specifically for those items):

Or you may visit John's Shop Space by clicking on the graphic below. It includes a few more widgets linking you to teddy bears or stuffed animals:

Thank you for reading!

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