Sunday, September 5, 2010

If I've Ever Inspired You...

Thank you if you consider me a positive inspiration to do online media. There are people whom have said that my blogging and video-making has inspired some people to blog or make videos. I do almost anything to try to promote my material with class and professionalism. I am casually professional in my work, meaning that while I do try to make enjoyable content, I have an obligation to produce some sort of thoughtful reaction to my work. I have an obligation to express myself with professionalism. My online material is hope that you will enjoy my material. However, my work takes on greater significance and importance when I inspire people [in positive ways] to come along with their own material.

Recent Inspirations.

Friends, and even family, have seen me as an inspiration to take on videos or blogging. This is great for me because there aren't as many people who see me as positive inspiration or as some kind of model. It is rare that my work inspires others. It does feel great when someone sees your work with a level of importance as seeing you as an inspiration. You feel like your work has positively influenced someone in a special way.

Inspiring Others.

Some people became interested in blogging because of my blog posts. Some people became interested in making videos after watching my YouTube channel. People sometimes ask questions about my blogging and in blogging in general. Some ask about blogging, and some even ask about monetizing blogs. The most important thing to me is in getting a point across the best way I can.

The one thing I usually stress is that I am an independent- all of my work, both in blogging and videos, have been my work. Never have I made a video or a blog post with the help of someone else. It's not that I prefer to be alone in making videos, but I am the only one who knows how to push my material in a positive direction. Also, teamwork has always been a weakness of mine.

In Closing...

Thank you very much for seeing me as any inspiration for ANYTHING I've done- whether YouTube or my blogging. If I didn't care about providing content for you to share and enjoy, I wouldn't have gone to these lengths. I am proud when someone from some point in the world views my material. Even more so when someone becomes inspired and influenced positively with my work.

Just get some things straight- I'm not a success story. I am not fit to be any kind of role model or hero. I don't have any credentials to make myself even remotely admirable. All I do is specialize in about the only field where I feel I can best excel at- online media (especially blogging and YouTube). Also, there are people with much better content, much more trafficked websites and blogs, much bigger personalities, and much more outgoing people than me. So I am not any hero or superstar. But as you would probably tell me... I don't need to be a superstar or hero to win your respect and your inspiration- I just have to be me. It isn't like I give motivational speeches at various functions. It isn't like I'm constantly being featured on television and radio being interviewed. I am honestly a guy who basically has a work-at-home deal, virtually living off of blogging and YouTube videos. But again- I don't need to be a superstar or any super-successful figure. Being myself is just fine. Success and status comes over time and with time and effort.

Thank you for seeing me as an inspiration. I hope my work can continue to influence you greatly. I love everyone around the world who views and visits my material. Doesn't matter if you're from North America, any Caribbean island, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, any Pacific island or Pacific island nation, Australasia, Oceania, Antarctica, the North Pole, heck... even if you're viewing my blog from space (John's Blog Space from space?)- THANK YOU for reading and supporting my material!

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