Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Not the End...

The Houston Texans lost to the Dallas Cowboys 27-13 today. It doesn't mean, however, that we were predicted to finish unbeaten or head straight to the Super Bowl. I think lots of people thought we can win almost any game after being Indianapolis Colts at home and the Washington Redskins in Overtime. The Texans just did NOT play well. While the Texans are having a great season, there is still lots to be desired. This team still has to learn to play hard and consistently. I think a lot of people just feel like the Texans can beat ANYBODY if they can beat the Colts and Redskins in the first two weeks of the season. While that's true, there's still the human element. Life teaches us that we are not always going to be winners all the time. We need to accept failures to help make us stronger in the future. Yes, a 2-0 Texans team losing to an 0-2 Cowboys team is bad. However, it's not like the Texans are "playoffs or bust." Some people are just taking this loss a bit too far.

If You are a Cowboys Fan...

Congratulations to the Cowboys. They simply played better, harder, and more consistently than the Texans.

If You are a Texans Fan...

It's not the end of the world. The Texans aren't going to become the second coming of the 1972 Miami Dolphins. This is the National Football League... NOT the BCS of major college football. You can't let one loss crush your spirits. Look at it this way- would you rather lose a game to a team you can easily beat or a very good team (win-loss record notwithstanding) that you simply played poor against? I wanted to the Texans to win, but I wasn't making jokes or insults and everything. Calm down, people! So what? We lost to the Cowboys. It's not like the Cowboys are some NCAA FCS team. Don't take this loss like Virginia Tech losing to James Madison.

There's still a long season ahead. If you let a loss like this ruin your spirits, then you'll just look at this game as a missed opportunity, and it wasn't a missed opportunity. This was simply a game that the Texans didn't play their best and didn't really prove to be a factor. We played like crap but still won at the Redskins last weekend in Overtime. Losing to the Cowboys is bad, but it's not anything seriously demoralizing. You just have to come out better and stronger for the next test.

Another thing to note... it seems like when we lose, a lot of fans know exactly what to say like we're supposed to win every game. So when we do indeed lose, it's like someone has to punish or chastise the Texans just because they didn't beat the hated Cowboys. These are the ones that really need to calm down. A lot of Texans fans are still Texans fans whether losing by a field goal or by three or more touchdowns.

The Cowboys beat my Texans as the Texans failed to really show up. My only problem is with people who feel like this loss is like the end of our season. We're not a Super Bowl lock. We are (at least, in the minds of many NFL fans) a middle-of-the-road team trying to win over the hearts of NFL fans by making the playoffs and making as best of a push as we can. Losing to a rival is bad, but it's just a game. It wasn't like this game was for home-field advantage in the playoffs or anything. We just lost to the Cowboys. That's sports. Too many people take sports TOO seriously, to the point where victory over a certain team is vital to living.

Texans lost, but it's not the end of the season. And don't worry... we'll take down the Cowboys next time! :)

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