Sunday, September 12, 2010

Space Center Houston

Houston is often referred to as Space City since 1967. One reason why is because of Space Center Houston- the Visitors Center of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. I've been to Space Center Houston a few times in my life. Each time, I grow more and more fond of what all NASA does. Besides space exploration and exhibits, there are lots of fun activities for children (and adults). What I would strongly recommend is for you to go on a tram tour around Space Center Houston. Being able to see all the many attractions and such just gives you greater appreciation for all the work NASA does. You even get to see some of the many facilities used in preparing astronauts as well as in teaching people about being in space. Space Center Houston is both a fun place to go as well as an educational place to go. Your appreciation for all things NASA and in space travel will be greatly expressed when you visit Space Center Houston.

I have a picture I took of Space Center Houston, but it's not very good. So let me show you a picture from off the Internet of Space Center Houston:

Space Center Houston
^ from: - Space Center Houston is the Visitors Center of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.

--- New Blog Label! ---
This quick blog entry has a new blog label- Stars and Space. This blog label involves various topics regarding astronomy, space exploration, and various other space-related issues and topics. "John's Blog Space" is the name of my blog, and I thought it would be obvious to feature a blog label regarding stars and space.

--- If Any NASA Folk May Read This... ---
I am ALWAYS fascinated about NASA, and their tireless efforts are something I strongly support. All of you men and women serving for NASA are men and women I greatly admire. You are wonderful people. Keep up the great work in all of your space work- whether space exploration, spacewalks, maintaining orbiting crafts and orbital satellites, or whatever... I strongly support your incredible efforts. There is no shortage of fascination about what this universe has to offer.

So yeah... Space Center Houston. If you are visiting Houston or never been to Space Center Houston, I strongly advise you to check out Space Center Houston. After all, the experience this place provides will give you greater appreciation for space as well as Houston's aerospace history. How do you think some of Houston'sports teams got their names? Especially consider Houston teams like the Houston Rockets, Houston Astros, and the former Houston Comets WNBA franchise. Even my fascination with stars and space have fueled my love of nighttime as well as motivation for "John's Blog Space" and "John's Shop Space." So PLEASE- visit Space Center Houston and enjoy something that has played a HUGE role in the history of this great city. You can find it at 1601 NASA Parkway here in Houston.

That concludes another blog post of mine! To learn more about what was discussed here, here are some links you can visit:

* Space Center Houston's official website
* Space Center Houston on Facebook
* Space Center Houston on Twitter
* More info on Space Center Houston on

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