Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fruit Smoothies

Want a delicious way to drink? Try fruit smoothies! Fruit smoothies are usually a blend of multiple fruits blended together to make one delicious drink. For example, you have things like a strawberry banana smoothie. Not only are they a way to beat the heat, but they can be delicious and tasty to drink. You have real purity when you have certain bits of the blended fruits that you can taste in addition to the rest of the smoothie itself. For example, I only drink orange juice that doesn't have pulp, but having pulp in the orange juice shows it was made with real oranges and is authentic. But back to smoothies.

I personally like a strawberry and banana fruit smoothie. Here's an example below:

strawberry banana smoothie
^ from: - a strawberry banana fruit smoothie. Delicious, right?

Where can you get fruit smoothies? One of the best places to find fruit smoothies are usually at shopping centers and malls (like Thirsty's). McDonald's recently came along with their own fruit smoothies. Or if you're discontent with buying fruit smoothies, you can always make your own! Just make sure you have everything from fruits (and other items) to make your own smoothies at home (or for your business, if you own a small business that makes and sells fruit smoothies). The resources below include links to fruit smoothie recipes. And if you shop on Amazon, I'll include a widget linking you to blenders in case you want to buy a blender for your house or business. Consider these as my way of thanking you for reading my blog entry on fruit smoothies!

Fruit Smoothie Resources...

(more resources and items may be added in future edits)

Hover the cursor over the links for extra info on each link. Be warned that while this thread was about fruit smoothies, these links also include recipes for other smoothies (such as alcoholic and dessert smoothies):
* Smoothie Web
* Smoothie Recipes
* smoothies on

You'll need a blender to make quality fruit smoothies. Don't have a blender? Shop for some on Amazon with this widget:

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